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Posts posted by Beverly

  1. I started using ATX late last year when I opened my own practice. I had been in public account for 12 years and had only used Prosystemsfx. I KNEW that I was going to be in for a ride (loved the Profx software and could do just about anything in it!) I looked at the sotware comparisons before I made my choice. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to use Proseries first and demoed Proseries and ATX before making my choice. Proseries was VERY limited. The issue in the software comparison for ATX that concerned me was the "accuracy" rating.

    I had worked with four different firms that all used Prosystems (this is the Wolters Klewer product that is considered the premium tax preparation software for those of you who've never used it). The last firm I worked for used it poorly (overriding everything!), so I chalked up the "accuracy" issue related to ATX to users' not understanding taxes in the first place and relying on the program to prepare the return and catch all errors.

    So far, I've come to really appreciate the ATX program. It was a learning curve, but I'm hands on, and didn't rely on support. I learn so much better when I have to figure it out. It was my challenge to make sure I didn't use the override and figured out how to get the number I knew was correct to flow through to the form. Each time I figured it out, my confidence in the software notched up....that there IS a proper way to do it. When I used Proseries, I had to "collate" info in that didn't print with the return (e.g., farm schedule in a business). And the intergration to QB was not as seamless as one would hope...I've bridged QB into ATX with very few problems.

    My only issues are the depreciation forms (I'm thinking about switching to ATX's depreciation program) and the state returns. These are issues I can live with and tweak as I go forward.

    I see so much negative "press" for ATX, but I think the software is GREAT for the price, and it keeps me from being lazy because I want to make sure I know what the return is supposed to do and ensure that ATX is handling it correctly. It's been a puzzle figuring it out all year, but I cannot wait to apply my newfound experience to next tax season!!

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