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Posts posted by cfncpa

  1. I could probably use the 2011 program and edit the form for 2012 and address. Doesn't look like you are able to do any of that with tis new junk software.

    I love the old ATX format. That is what lured my firm to exclusively use ATX back in the mid 1990s. It was spreadsheet based and we could alter it, make notes in margin, etc. We had full control and it was a darn useful feature.

    Bye bye to the good ole days..........

  2. Correct. I do not efile, and am inquiring about the paper tax estimate vouichers. I dont think this is an ATX issue, it appears the IRS doesn't have them out yet meaning they are not yet approved. Strange because they are so similar to the 1040es. I dont get why the holdup from the IRS?

  3. When I wrote of loyal customers, I was referring to customers of ATX, not my clients. I will cover for all of ATX's screw ups even if I have to work to 4am every day to get things done. My clients will never know the issues I am having. Thats how most of us will operate I am sure, IF we can. Some cannot because they do the returns right then and there at the appointment (I really feel for those users). I was referring to us, the customers of ATX taking it on the chin and having to work so much harder, and spending many unbillable hours, and undergoing undue stress, to get the same result as prior years.

    The car analogy is ridiculous. I could not test drive the program like some car siting on a lot. ATX solicited me to renew my program in May, and never informed me that a program overhaul was expected, and that problems might ensue. Like all past 15 YEARS I renewed, I trusted my vendor. I expected them to perform as they had the past 15 years, to deliver to me, 7 months after prepayment, the same quality product as prior years. Not a non-functional mess delivered right before the start of tax season with no complete fix yet in sight.

    • Like 3
  4. You might not care about the details, but what's under the hood is what determines how well it works.

    When I worked in QA (Quality Assurance/Testing, 10 years ago?) We tested on a range of different hardware and operating systems to ensure compatibility. cnccpas is correct, the problems are too obvious. They likely shipped it with known issues to make a deadline.

    We can tell what works and what doesn't, and we have no idea and don't care whats under the hood. 2012 doesn't work.

    Right now I am so glad I am a solo shop. If I had employees depending on this program I would be ******* a brick right now wondering how my firm was going to survive tax season. ATX is taking it on the chin? Think about the LOYAL CUSTOMERS?

  5. As a user since 2002 and nearly 3,000 clients, I do not agree with not needing to change. Return opening times for us when the client list grows above about 500 for the last three years have been what everyone is experiencing now.

    Access 97 is 15 year old technology. Cnccpas, what other software do you use that is based on 15 year old technology? Agree that the rollout was wrong, the software is not ready and CCH management is to blame for the decisions. However, changing with our large client base and 10 preparers to have a learning curve and conversion issues prevent any consideration of changing.

    Why would you spend $1,000+ for software to do 100 clients? Not sure I see the math sense...

    We spend $1,500+ to do 3,000 clients. The extra is for unlimited licenses for the other preparers.

    Rant over. it is still 2013 and the management and decision makers at CCH need to be replaced. They have NO CONCEPT of customer service.

    Maybe YOU did outgrew the old ATX technology, but for the rest of us it was fine. I have been a loyal customer since 1996-ish and have never had any problems with the old technology. I routinely have 250 returns in the Return Manager and its never been a problem for my 8 yr old computers running XP. Sometimes you outgrow something, and move on. Maybe that was your situation.

    I am all for the new technology, I think its great and should always be in the pipleine to offer to clients. But only ONCE IT IS PERFECTED. Don't roll it out until IT WORKS!!!

  6. I appreciate the post as well CNCCPAS, please spread the word as much as you like. I think it is good that people have every chance to understand what is going on.

    This again shows how ill thought out all of this was by CCH/ATX. I could care less about the old vs new technology argument that some have tried to argue. There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with the old program, no matter what technology it used. Maybe it wasn't "the best" for some huge 100+ user environment, but for their target consumer, the small to mid sized firms, it WORKED PERFECTLY.

    I just cannot understand the decision to roll this out prematurely. What did they think was going to happen?

  7. I love the word outdated, if its the only version thing that WORKS when I need it to WORK.

    Can you say choke?

    They should have perfected it before rolling it out. I suspect they didnt want to spend the money to create one more tax year under the old program, while at the same time deveoping and perfecting this "new tech". So they abandoned the old, except for payroll since it was needed a few weeks earlier than income tax returns, and knowingly pushed the new junk out the door full of bugs. Tax season is nothing to play with, we deserve better than this. If ALL of the problems are not fixed in a week or two, some of the ATX customers are going to be in a real bind.

    • Like 1
  8. The program is nothing like 2011. Every function of the program is different.

    Get a new system with the fastest quad-core processor, at least 8GB of RAM, Solid State Hard drive and a 1GB video card. The difference in how the program will work will astound you. Also be sure it is Windows 7, not Windows 8. XP is not whe dinosaur and Microsoft is very close to ending any support for it.

    It is 2013. Adapt and change with the high-tech world we live in, and drive the bus instead of ridingi in the back of the bus.

    Yes Sir! I'll get right on this. Thanks so much for your suggestions. All of them. I guess I am all set now. Good luck with all your hi-tech goodies, and a happy tax season to you Sir!

  9. It was obviously not ready to roll out successfully. What were they thinking? There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old program. We pay a premium for this product and ATX has now set us all up for a very slow start to what promises to be a hectic tax season for other reasons. I just dont get the reasoning behind this move.

  10. The network set up this year is different than for the last bunch of years. Did you follow the installation instructions?

    I know this may be a simplistic answer, but over on the other ATX board, I'm seeing a lot of people whose main issue is just not reading the manual or following installation instructions.

    Thanks for reply. I did follow manual, but it seemed just like last year, just a different folder that the "netsetup.exe" type file is located in. I will go back and check though. Everything works on the remote workstation, its just the Rollover feature that is not working. Everything else seems to work.

  11. Thank you for your responses. Sorry for the delay in replying, been caught up in payroll work. I dont think my computers are the problem. My 2 computers are identical, and their specs all exceed or equal the system recommendations on page 4 of the 2012 manual:

    -3.25 GB of RAM (2gb recommended)

    -Pentium 4 processor at 3.2GHZ (2 ghz recommended)

    -Windows XP operating system, service pack 3 (equals minimum recommendations)

    Cant believe I am the only one having this problem. If it was a computer issue, seems like others would have gotten snagged trying to run an older computer. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

  12. Hello all. I am looking for help with this error message I am getting, and report it to the community. It happens only on my workstation when I go to the rollover tab to select a return to rollover. I have a very simple peer to peer network, and have never had this problem with any of the previous 9 versions of ATX we have used...so I do not believe I have any actual low resource/memory problem. Funny thing is that the program has not asked me to setup a new user like the old program did. Maybe that has something to do with it ?.?.?. Doesnt ATX 2012 come with a 3 or 5 user license (I only use 2) ?.?.

    I do NOT get this error when running on the host/server computer. I have updated to the most recent version on the server/host, as well as run a new netsetup for the worksation install. I also have installed the 2012 Payroll Program and of course it is running smoothly, no such errors. I can roll over the data there.....thank goodness I know I can at least get to my 2011 data from somewhere.

    See attached screen shot below. Any help or guidance is much appreciated.




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