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southern tax lady

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Posts posted by southern tax lady

  1. Another complaint I encountered this year, is on the Mississippi return.  It accepted it with messages.  The message was that it needed the last four digits of the drivers license number.  This issue was not an error when I checked the return.  It was noted just as a warning, however it didn't stop you from processing any Federal returns.  Alabama however does require the full drivers license number and the software produced an error until I filled those numbers in.  Is that an ATX issue or Mississippi

    Also, received another accepted with message if I file a dependent separate return and it does not allow you to check the full coverage as the dependent is covered on the parent's return.  Think though that error has something to do with the IRS and not ATX.  As IRS is only looking for that box to be completed and not that they are a dependent with no exemption claimed.


  2. My client is in one of specific disaster loss areas for 2016 more specifically, the flooding in Louisiana.  I want to amend his 2016 return to provide him with an additional refund.  Per the IRS instructions for amending the 2016 return I must take the $500 deductible and its not subject to the 10% reduction due to income level.  I have looked at the 2017 Form 4684 and it is working as the instructions say to do it.  What am I'm doing wrong as that functionality is not there for amending 2016.  

  3. The way I understand it, first you start with the SRQ questions, and when you get to step 4, you will see the income threshold amounts.  If your client's income is under this then you look at # 5 and #6.  If #6 is yes then you don't have a shared responsibility and it checks box 7 on form 8965.  As I understand it from the instructions that is all you do and no need to fill out Part III.  If the income is more than the threshold then you will need to do other tabs.  Just read the notes in blue at the top of each page.  After much reading I finally think I got it.  Good luck

  4.  If you do not check a box in the exemption area, then the software doesn't return an error for health coverage box.  If you aren't required as you state above, then why is the IRS accepting with a message......then I can't find what that code means.....how frustrating....

  5. Received this same type of message today.  Accepted with message IND-068.  It is related to the 'full year coverage' box.  Was filing a dependent's return and the box for health care was not checked due to oversight.   The software did not indicate this was an error and let me efile the return.  l called the IRS # for efile message assistance this afternoon and the agent indicated it is just an alert from the IRS, however I think this should have been an error notification in the ATX software.  Hopefully the dependent doesn't receive any letter due to this message.  The dependent does have healthcare on his parents' return that has not been filed yet. 

  6.  My new sales rep had called back in the midst of tax filing to see if I wanted to renew.  I told her not now but to call back after tax season ended, she never did.  Since ATX had the May 31 deadline for the 10% deadline, I renewed before that date.  Now I received the Flash Sale email the other day whereby they now will give you the Tax Book Deluxe free if you call and renew by end of day today with your sales rep.  I called today to speak with my sales rep and she basically said too bad, you already renewed and can't do anything for you.  This offer is only for those that have not renewed yet.  So it's shows that those that wait get the best offer.  Let's see what July will bring surely something even better.....

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