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stop it

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Posts posted by stop it

  1. its not about quickbooks. its about ATX!   Im using Quickbooks 2022 premier desktop and believe me.....I don't have online back up and any of that stupid shit. I back up the old fashioned way.  I'm still using Windows 10. I don't trust Windows 11 or want to deal with that headache until after tax season finished.  Why hasn't this happened outside of tax season.  This never happened with ATX 2021 tax software. Enough. Im going back to work.  Thanks for robbing me of the little sleep I get to have during this crazy time.  I will be re-thinking which tax software I will be using for 2023. You guys have gotten worse and worse since you sold out to Wolters Kluwer !! I have used ATX since 2004!!!!  & then you make seem like it is our fault!  Your techs are so new to the system and wet behind the ears they are little help and big time wasters.

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  2. I am.  Heighth of tax season ans this BS!!  If I stay on the program longer than 1 hour or so, or if I have quickbooks (desktop) open or use acrobat, the atx will close down and I have to reboot my computer to be able to use ATX. WTF! Glad we pay so much for this f(*&(*& program.  & during the busiest time. I don't have time for some newbie techie who doesn't really know ATX to screw around for hours trying "fix" the program. 


    Anyone found a patch or fix for this bs? 

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