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Posts posted by JJStephens

  1. The mainstream press has been showing signs of growing consternation with Mr Obama of late. But if this doesn't tip the scales in favor of a complete reversal of their love affair with him, nothing will. Even some of Mr Obama's Demmy cronies are expressing outrage over this, Benghazi and the IRS thing (though I'm not at all sure if their anger is that those things happened or that they got caught).

    Hasn't been a good week for the administration, has it (he says with the hint of wry grin crossing his face)?

    There was a time I thought I might want to get involved in politics--even ran once. Now, I'm exceedingly grateful that never happened. Wouldn't want to be a 'public-servant' in this climate--even at the local dog-catcher level!

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  2. Besides the form 990 and 1023 issue, did you find the software satisfactory or better than the competitors in terms of accuracy?

    Would you use it for Sch C, Sch F, Sch E, form 1065 and form 1041? Do you have any reservations on those?

    The depreciation module (or screens) did not show an option to create a depreciation report with current and future depreciation amounts. Unless i missed that completely.

    Frankly, I didn't have time to play with it much. I was mainly looking to see if the 990 and 1023 was present. I did do a handful of returns using the demo several years ago. At that time, form based entry wasn't available. Having cut my teeth on form based, I was somewhat put off by that, but many on this board (or was it the old ATX board?) assured me I would get used to it. I'd have to say that some others on this board who are using it or who are evaluating it heavily would be a better source of info.

  3. Like many of you, I've looked at Drake several times over the past 10 years or so. Twice I was on the verge of making the leap. Both times I backed out on one single, deal-killing point.

    The vast majority of my non-tax work is with non-profits. I MUST have Forms 990 and 1023 (each year I do a boatload of 990s and a couple dozen 1023s). As I recall, the first time I looked at Drake (about ten years ago) they did not have either form available but were working on adding the 990. About 5 years ago I checked again; the 990 had been added but not the 1023. At that time I had conversations with Warren and Phil Drake about my need for From 1023. Phil told me they would look into adding it and Warren later told me that he was aware they were working on it.

    I just downloaded the demo. I see the 990 but not the 1023. Further, I can't find anything on their web site that indicates they offer it. Does anyone out there with Drake experience know if they have 1023 support?

  4. I'm not a master negotiator, but here's my story.

    I went with TRX several years ago when they were offering ATX for $299. That lasted one year--then they lost their contract with ATX. I grudgingly switched to TaxWorks (or whatever it was that TRX was offering). The first year was bad, the second year even worse. Last June I called ATX to ask what deals they had going. At first they said nothing. I said that I simply could not swing their fee (my wife was still seriously ill and cash was at a premium). The gal I was speaking with asked me to hold on for a few minutes. When she came back she told me that since I was in effect a new client, she could offer me ATX for three years for $795.

    I've never understood why businesses offer new clients a better deal than loyal returning clients. Well, maybe I do. Market share (not service) is the goal. They take their loyal clients for granted. With me, they do that at their peril. There are some things in life that are sacred. Insurance, and automobiles and certainly tax software are not among them! I'm the one writing the check. If you don't value me as a client, I'll write the check to someone else who will (at least until the ink dries!).

  5. What I heard (though not mentioned in the article KC posted) is that the IRS will populate the start of a return but the taxpayer can add certain basic things like itemized deductions, small biz (Cez?) and a few other things. I still think they're going to have their hands full for years to come with the whole health care debacle. They're already saying they're short-handed. Even if they farm out writing the software they're still going to need a small army (gov't mentality) to service something like this. It generates little (if any) new revenue. I just don't see it happening, at least not anytime soon (which probably means they're voting to approve it even as I type this!).

    Even if this turns into reality I don't see it impacting most of us. I don't get a lot a 1040EZ's anyway--just a handful where the client demands I prep for their kid (even though I tell them they can pop it out for free in 10 minutes). My guess is that's pretty typical of the preparers on this site (might take a bite out of some of the big box outfits that seem to advertise for this kind of client).

    • Like 1
  6. Seems to me the IRS is going to have it's hands full over the next couple years trying/failing to deal with another boondoggle called the Affordable Care Act (I never knew that health care and taxes were so naturally inter-related).

    Frankly, I'd be okay if Congress put me out of biz by adopting the Fair Tax. It would be worth it to simplify my life and those of everyone I know and to put the IRS out of business (other than monitoring health care, of course ;) ).

    • Like 2
  7. ATX should give us the 2013 program for free, to evaluate.

    this is the only way i can consider staying with ATX.

    That would be nice, but I wouldn't hold your breath on it. They have not be particularly generous in issues like this in the past (I've used them since about '93 with a two year hiatus in 2010-2011). That said, they did offer me a substantial discount this year to come back. I could see a discount happening, but not a complete freebie. My guess is that CCH would shut down ATX before that happened (a possibility many of us have feared ever since they acquired ATX a number of years ago)--or perhaps sell it to someone else (with all the joys that entails).

  8. After the TRX/Taxworks (what a misnomer!) debacle last year, I switched back to ATX this year. Other than being slow I didn't have any major issues with ATX. I did notice that due to the sluggishness of the software I wasn't able to do as many returns in a day as I have in past years.

    I added about 10 returns over last year. My average fee dropped a little (from $144 to $138) but I somehow still made more money. It's not from the extra returns. Even with 28 extensions I have still billed just a few dollars less this year than I all of last year--by the time I bill for the extensions, I'll be well ahead of last year's revenue.

    I haven't looked at this aspect yet but it might be that I did fewer freebies. I average about 15-20 freebies each year for family members, people who experienced a disaster, retirees who are living on next to nothing, etc. I've received a lot of help in my life and feel this is a way I can pay back/forward.

  9. If you write in a country name instead of using the list it'll also break if the country you enter isn't in the list.

    The original country entry was rolled over from last year(when it was successfully e-filed). After the first rejection I re-typed the country name and tried again. It was rejected again.

    I didn't realize there was a drop down list until I read your post (thanks for the tip!). I just deleted the country name and then reselected it using the drop down menu. Hope it works.

  10. Client is a US citizen living in Northern Ireland. I e-filed an extension earlier today. Just got a rejection that has a code X0000-005.

    Also says XML error. The XML data has failed schema validation. cvc-enumeration-valid. Value "is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration and lists several lines of two-letter codes (country codes?)

    It goes on to say: 'In other words . . . The XML data has failed schema validation.'

    For the Foreign Country Name I entered United Kingdom and for the Foreign Province I entered Norther Ireland.

    I was able to successfully efile last year with those entries. Should I be using a country code instead?

  11. But doesn't converting it to a rental cause it to become biz property and then when you subtract the adjusted gross basis and divide by the subtrahend after taking the six month non-residence deduction you end up with a loss that causes you to get a refund larger than the sum of the credits to which you and all your relatives are eligible??!?! Or something like that?

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  12. Terry--I totally agree.

    I still have not received a reply to my second request to Zach (following about a dozen requests to Doug & Karen). After I take my 4/15&16 nap I'm going try again to call. Not holding out much hope.

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