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Posts posted by rich

  1. Doing a practice return,I cannot find 1099c worksheet in ATX and if manually input $5000 as other income reported on 1099c,Isn't that income adjust to zero on line 21 other income when I attach Form 982 (completed line 1e and line2-$5000)for qualified principal residence forgiveness.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. TP discontinued Limousine business and coverted the vehicle for personal use with adjusted basis $7100 and FMV $3600.Should it be reported on form 4797.I dont see anywhere to input FMV of converted asset but only the selling price.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Talk to the helpful folks at VMS, they can help you with this sort of solution. And since they are from the old, pre-CCH ATX team, they know just what you would need and how to help you get it set up to perfection. You buy the old computer. they log into it [they will tell you how to start that] then they configure everything just right.

    Thanks KC, Yeah I will in touch with VMS once I final the rental place.

  4. Rich,

    First of all, let me congratulate you on having passed the EA exam. As far as the rates you should charge clients, I would consider what would make you a comfortable living keeping in mind that you want clients to come to you instead of going to your local competitors. Depending on where you are located, preparation fees vary greatly across the country. There is no one place to go to get a list of rates. I suggest you check out rates charged by others in your area.

    Also, welcome to this forum. Much can be learned from all the great people who post on this forum.

    Wayne Brasch

    Thanks, Wayne , KC. I just looked at customer ref. forms. Its a nice marketing tool to discover and appreciate advice.

  5. KC is right. who in their right mind would WANT to use SMR for 18-wheelers? all expenses should be itemized and listed, mostly in 'other expenses', not under 'vehicle expenses'. And since OTR tractors are depreciated over 3 years, its unlikely using accelerated depreciation even makes any sense.

    Isnt OTR Trucks 18 wheeler 5 year property for depreciation?

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