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  1. speaking to a high level tech at ATX Guru may be the answer. So far the two tech I spoke to said it cant be done. Thanks Guru. By the way I am a huge Packer Fan!!!!!!! Dejected fan this year but next year we will do better..
  2. Thank you all for your timely input. Exporting to a jump drive is a good idea and a good safe guard. Easy, just charge the client for the export time it takes. Naa.. As far as rolling it over again, is a solution but we have to re-enter all the IS & BS information again. It happened 3 times to one client of mine last year and had to keep the client opened on a work station. This is the first time I post a message and happy someone is reading our posts and giving ideas!!
  3. This is a huge problem!!! Why is the fixed assets disappearing? I had that problem last year with 4 clients of mine and yes, I have to redo the whole thing again. ATX has no solution and no help for this issue. Now, the first client with fixed assets my staff entered yesterday is no gone this morning. All 42 line items. What is our solution, we have to consider another software. In addition god help anyone that lost its hard drive and lost information. Even if I do a daily backup on a separate hard drive, according to ATX there is no way to restore or identify the clients on the second drive. So it does not help if we make an mirror image of our data drive to another drive. I am so so frustrated with ATX with the damn issue of disappearing fixed assets!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!
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