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Posts posted by TAXMAN

  1. For my farmer friends., I have a farmer who received a 1099 patr with entry in box 7 and 8 being the same number as in box 1. I put box 1 on sch f but where do I put box 7 and 8 in atx or form 8995?

  2. TP's have a living trust. Both are quite old and mentally challenged. Trust bought a handicapped van to be able to transport tp's to various medical needs. Trust is filing a 1041. Can trust write off the van?

  3. TP gets pension for being retired police officer. SP gets pension for being retired from state. Premiums being paid from checking account where pensions go into. Does this make a difference?

  4. TP retired from PD drawing pension. Wife retired from state (non pd) drawing pension. She pays to state, health insurance to cover her and husband. Even tho it is not coming directly from pension either his or her's can I use the pso for 3k? I did notice on state pay stub it shows them giving her a little health credit.

  5. TP(the estate) does not own the real estate. The heirs have taken possession to try to sell. However the estate has paid out 10k in repairs and utilities to date. In the return for the estate(1041) I cannot see how we can take this as a deduction. The estate went past its year and has not made any distributions thus a 40 k tax liability (200k income) unless we can use this as a deduction? your thoughts

  6. TP 22 took care of disabled grand dad in grand dad's house for 2 months. Because Medicaid required a spend down in order to qualify for benefits granddad paid 4000.00 to TP.  Grand dad does not otherwise have to file. TP has other w-2 income and will have to file. Question is what to do with TP's 4K. Can't treat it as gift as Medicaid will make them pick it back up. TP should not be self employed. I guess the only option is for Granddad to file sch H and pay ss and mt. How would you proceed on this?

  7. I think in this situation tp stated that he cannot get a house up in 180s defeats what he wants to do. I wonder if he could transfer land to contractor and have contractor build house then sell original rental house use proceeds to pay contractor. May not come out at 100%. You think this may work?

  8. Situation is this. TP and spouse signed 8379 for 2021 return.(filing late but a good refund)Signed date on form is Oct 23 2023. TP died on 10-24-2023. Spouse just getting forms to me to send in.(waited till funeral and items were done). Can I legally transmit this return or must I change it to surviving spouse and paper file since death is in current year.(2023) I think I have to change it.

  9. TP owns a farm. Pays spouse to work on farm. Files w-2 and 943"s. Actually writes her a check. She went to gov web site for insurance. TP pays premium for spouse. amounts to abought 9k for year. TP did not include them on her w-2. Question becomes can tp deduct these premiums on his sch-f? They file a joint return. I know that a 8962 is in order because the 1095a came out in tp's name with covered ind being the spouse. TP is on Medicare. Wife is not old enough. 

  10. To my MD friends. TP was a Virginia resident. Owned real estate in MD. TP died. Administrator had 3 appraisals for real estate. He averaged them and showed this value on Inventory file in VA. Now real estate is being sold for this number. After expenses it is determined to be a loss. Question? must Admin file a nonresident fiduciary(504nr) in MD. Can you shed some light on this?


  11. If tp (form 1040) filed extension for 2017 return and has a refund coming what is the latest post mark he can have on envelope to prove timely filing to claim refund? I am coming up with 2 answers. May 17, 2021 or Oct 15, 2021.

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