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Posts posted by RoyDaleOne

  1. She is incurring losses that are directly connected to a trade or business.

    She is not in the business of selling her business, or repossessing it.

    But for the original trade or business there would be no "expenses".

    I am not saying "all" of the expenses are Schedule C, however, some, or most are.

    First, do the repossession on the installment sale.

    These expenses are not preparatory expenses to a business, nor is this a hobby loss.

    The mere fact that upon repossession the taxpayer chooses to close what little remaining business there is does not remove her from once again being in a trade or business. She is merely choosing the least expensive way to cut the business losses.

  2. See Pub 537 for what you should do on repossession (or default) on an installment sale, relative to gain or loss realized.

    The seller (your client) is effectively back in possession of the Schedule C activity, because of the default of the buyer,

    and in my way of thinking the expenses being incurred is directly relatived to such activity.

    Say for example if this had been an apartment building the issue is a little clearer because everyone will agree that upon repossession the seller is back in the rental business.

  3. If your client contacted an attorney have the client, if possible, get a letter from the attorney stating that it would cost more to try and collect the $10,000 then it is worth.

    For a theft deduction you only need to prove 1. the amount of the loss, 2. that the loss was a crime under local law, 3. and the chance you collecting is almost nil.

  4. Did Mom may have inherited all or part of the house from her husband?

    Maybe stepped up basis for Dad's potion of the home includible in his estate.

    I am guessing not because of the lack of good elder care tax planning, but somethimes one never knows.

  5. On the other hand, the mom retained a deemed life estate by continuing to live in the house, if she had pass away while living in the house, the house would have been included in her estate tax return. However, I don't recall if the the move to the nursing home would be considered a temporary absence and thereby maybe causing the sale to fall within the Section 121 exclusion.

    The brother would be considered a nominee holding his brothers' money. and as such, reports 100% of the interest on Schedule B and and reports the nominee amount it the line provided for same.

  6. I am aware of two methods states use in taxing their citizens (residents). MA using the worldwide income method, which treats all the world-wide income as MA income and taxes that amount, while giving you a tax credit for state income tax "paid" to other states. If my mind is not failing me I checked this treatment and found that it was approved by the US Supreme Court, Inter-state commerce clause and all that.

  7. Sun burn, sun burn hair helps prevent sun burn, and newly exposed skin is more (very much so) likely to burn much easier. Hey, I got sun burned sitting in the shade from reflected sun light... And recently shaved my head, any I never go out in the sun, only from home to car, car to home very little exposure to direct sun light and my head showed signs of redness, no burn, lucky.

    I live very close to Orlando, any questions or are you an experienced traveler?

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