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  1. (I hate when some nerd blerbs on about his/her desk-top techno hardware, so at the risk of violating a core value...) Speed equals saved time equals more clients equals more profit. Being in a high tech college town customers appreciate hi tech applications They improve QC in the office and push paper thru the pipeline faster, less prone to errors. Costs dramatically decline the fewer hands that touch paper. You get the pix. OK, I sucked it in and bot a Quad Dell running Win xp. I got 13 USB2 ports powered directly off the machine I use 4 monitors (3 for me one for the customer - we only do eyeball to eyeball returns. in 20 yrs I tried it all this works best for my personality and my customers' needs.) The point is that this machine which is essentially a gamers box does the job. It taxes 6 seconds for a ATX to load even th4e most complex customer files. Yes, I timed it. WE'RE U'GRADING all OFFICE MACHINES NEXT WEEK. LESSER MACHINES, BUT WE CANNOT GET SUCKED DOWN THE BLACK HOLE OF A SLOW SEASON DUE TO SLOW MACHINES/ POOR PROCESES AGAIN. That's my story and I'm stickin to it... Happy
  2. Never had a lock-up problem. I found that the ATX pdf does not produce thumbnails when the file is retreived from Adobe. Solution, use Adobe 7. It shows up as an optional printer in the list of available printers. I have several pdf printers loaded (Quicken has one, so does QuickBooks) though I've never used any of them to see if the thumbs show up. Peace out
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