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Posts posted by joans

  1. Hi There - I have a 1120s and am waiting for the Wis 5S to finish the return. Clients are wanting the K-1's for their personal taxes. Also any word on the WI EZ? I have looked on ATX website and can't find any of them. The WI long and short forms have been released but not EZ. I have been replacing short form for EZ so I can finish some simple ones up.

  2. Same here. Did not require restart, but had one last night that did. I think that I updated about four times yesterday. And just think, all, this is my first year without dialup. How dare I complain about anything. Got new HP2035 hooked up and going last night. Works perfectly with ATX. Nice Printer, but not on list yet.

    Moving into the 21st Century:) Nice feeling isn't it. Did my first e-file today. Easy one - Homestead. Good luck everyone!! Hopefully better year than last.

  3. Hi There Sara......nice to see you back. WI forms have been notoriously late, but last year ATX had them really early. Will be talking to you soon.......

    Hey there back:) Looking forward to comparing yucky ones with you!! Have a good year and thanks for the info on Wis.

  4. What is going on with the transmitting. I have transmitted probably 50 in the last two days and they all say "validated by EFC" Usually already accepted by Federal and most accepted by State. Sooooo Frustrating. At least they are not rejecting. Hopefully, this isn't causing clients returns to be filed "late", when they aren't. Anyone know?

  5. What is the problem with the server? We are trying to get returns e-filed on time and I keep getting server error. Is this being fixed and looked into. I don't have time to have to worry about if my clients returns are getting e-filed and having to resubmit them because they get rejected by the server. :scratch_head:

  6. I tried several times to submit one return Monday night, but received rejection notice several times. Tried to submit Tuesday morning, went through but still says server errors. Not a good time for this to be happening :wacko:

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