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Everything posted by jon

  1. As an experiment, I've created a new set of forums at http://ProFX.YouNeed.us/ :-) Let's see if we can get some participation there, please tell your friends.
  2. Thanks KC, Lion, Michael. I'll be sure to update here if I find anything else. It's a puzzlement to me that ProFX users don't have more of an established online community somewhere. It looks like someone once tried creating a couple yahoo groups ( http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/prosystemfx/ and http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/pfxengagement/ ) but there's no content there. CCH has been running national user conference events for a couple years now, although I haven't been able to attend one. I wonder if anything has sprung up connected to that? It wouldn't take much to create a space for such a thing, but there's no point if nobody is participating. Is it a chicken-and-egg scenario?
  3. Does anyone know of a forum/community specifically for CCH Prosystem fx users? There is a "coming soon" page at http://tax.cchgroup.com/cchmsgboard/cchmsgboard.htm that would seem to come close if it materializes, but I'm wondering if something independent already exists.
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