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ATX Community


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  1. I'm thinking of changing to ATX for my 1040 clients. Is the conversion difficult? What kind of information from my old program, must I take special care to be sure they are converted over correctly? thanks, J
  2. The directions for ATX setup specify Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. Do I have to have it? I have been told that it has problems and not to install it. Thanks, Jane
  3. How do I do a Section 179 credit for qualified energy credit for a commercial building? Do I pull out the lighting from the rest of the building and show it for 7 yrs and allowable for Sect 179, then apply the $3,600 as a 179 deduction? First time I have encountered this. Thanks, Jane
  4. I previously did an 1120S and discarded the input method of depreciation entry. Then a couple of years later I entered all the depreciation on the ATX. It flows through to the balance sheet, but the 4562 won't print. I know it is because I discarded the inputs earlier. For 2008 I want to input on ATX. How do I change this? Several months ago I found a knowledge base listing for this problem, but can't locate it. I tried to search for it just now and had no success. Are there tricks to finding information on the knowledge base? Why does the ATX password have to be changed so often? I use it infrequently, and it is a pain to reset the password. Thanks for your Help
  5. Thank you for the suggestions.
  6. We will hire a new person to input data from a worksheet into tax program. She has accounting background and has done her own tax return. Does anyone have helpful suggestions or some wonderful self-study program that helps a person understand basic tax rules?
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