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Kimberly K

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Posts posted by Kimberly K

  1. I guess I shouldnt have said that the only thing they want on the PA40 is the county, and school district, of course they want more than that. But thats all they want when it comes to anything local. There is no deduction for what is withheld from the local on the PA return.

  2. Hi Ken,

    As for problem number one, if the local that you need is not listed on the W2 input screen(many locals are not) just type in local. Problem number 2, the Pa40 wants to know what county your client lived in and School district. That is all they want for the PA40.

    When completing the local, the best place to go to find out the percentage for your client's area is http://munstatspa.dced.state.pa.us/Registers.aspx

    If your client lives in the city of Philadelphia the tax is higher than the state return 3.93% ouch!

    Before tax season started I made a generic local form for locals not appearing in the program. Let me know if you need more help!

  3. Okay I finally called support (I seriously didnt want too, been there... done that), they will work on the issue with only one 2106 (I hope anyway). I am able to efile the Pa (the override is not preventing it), come monday morning after client signs. Whoo hoo.

  4. "We do find it important to review the numbers that flow from 2106 to UE. Sometimes they will double-up on certain line items. I can tell you that we encounter strange follow-throughs if the first UE on a return is discarded. The program will not simply move a second one into first position. Knowing this we make sure the first one is kept. That can at times make it necessary to type the whole UE over with info from another and then discard the later one."

    I had hoped that another Pa Preparer would chime in! I will chalk this one goof of the program as an oddity, and I will keep your work around in mind. I just assumed that everything would flow nicely!

    Rita, thanks for looking that up, I started to doubt myself.

    Thanks Everyone!!!

  5. Okay, I figured out how to get it done. I have one 2106 for both jobs on the federal, and I left my two UEs for PA. After deleting the one 2106, the program let me override the state to show the total Employee Business expenses on the PA-40.

    I will have to send the Pa return by paper, but atleast I am giving the state what they want.

    Thanks for all your suggestions, I really appreciated the help.

    Rita: if the Tax Gods say its true, then I guess it is. But after sitting at my desk at HRB for over 10yrs, I have never heard of only one 2106 allowed. We(meaning myself and 20+ other people in our area) did it all the time.

    Is that what the Tax Gods say " Only one 2106 per Taxpayer" ? Or " ONLY one UE on the Pa return allowed"

    If it is, they never told us we had been wrong all those years, or is it new quidelines?

  6. Why not one 2106 for one employee even though two employers? Not as clean and as easy to track, but you'll never have that old employer again, anyway.

    Thanks, I guess I will have to do this, I just dont want any letters from Pa for my client. Pennsylvania UE wants Employer Information (address phone number ect) when deducting Employee expenses from the 2106. If its too high for that employer, a letter is sent wanting a Letterhead letter from the Employer stating the deductions that the employee were necessary and that they do not reimburse/ or only reimburse up to a certain amount. Along with the letter my client will have to send in all his log books ect and prolong his refund. I just want to avoid all of this.

    I still want to throw ATX out the window.

  7. I am ready to throw this ATX Program out the window. I am working on a return that my client changed jobs as a truck driver in 2009. My first 2106 for Pa was fine, everything carried over, but my second 2106 is not showing up and did not carryover. So I added a duplicate Pa UE and still is not adding the amount to the amount already deducted. So I went to check return to see if it showed a diagnostic. Sure did. ONLY one PA UE is allowed. What, Since when ????

    Any ideas what to do? I tried overriding(I was willing to file the PA paper), it didnt work.

  8. anyone from PA I have a military person stationed outside of PA and wife worked in PA before being married. I can't even find the form where I can exclude his military pay. He is a resident of PA but stationed in other state.

    In reading it looks like I have to send in a copy of orders. Is that correct?

    Thanks for any help

    There is no form to exclude Active Duty Military wages earned outside of PA. It needs to be excluded from Line 1a on the PA40 and attach a statement including that it is nontaxable to the state and the location of where he is stationed. Yes, his orders also need to be included so you will have to use form 8453. If he has other income other than the Active Duty, that would be taxable since he is a resident.

  9. I have never been this busy and with so many new referrals this year I am having a hard time keeping up!

    I think some of it may have to do with the fact that we just had a Liberty Tax service open up on our town, and frankly I think their sign twirllers are scaring business my way!

    Not complaining, just a little tired! :spaz:


    Crank em out while you can, April 15th will be here before you know it. Then you can be proud of all the hard work and endless hours you have put in(not to mention the size of your bank account.) But in the mean time, do not forget to eat, sleep or love your family till the deadline arrives. Oops forgot to mention, daydreaming of that vacation spot is necessary!

  10. Since all is under one roof the deprecition should be on square footage.

    I agree, but I have seen where the half of the house has its own property taxes, utility bills ect., nothing is shared under the same roof. Since your client owns both, I would depreciate the whole house and account only 50% on the half then Square footage on the portion of the room depreciated. 2 Schedule E's.

  11. The only e-filed direct deposit I've had was one that should have been deposited today, 2-12-10. The only difference in this return and the many others that have all been direct deposited on time was the delayed deposit includes an energy credit.

    Has anyone else had a similar delay? Just wondering if the energy credit is going to delay the direct deposits????



    I had a few Energy credit returns that went direct deposit and they all went through. I did have one EIC that wasnt even supposed to deposit this week go through fine but a member of that clients same household did not. I transmitted them at the same time. Just quirky I guess.( not me but the IRS system)

  12. My client owes and I am having an issue with this program. They want to send in an installment app and not electronically file the federal, or file federal with no payment right now. They are recieving a refund on the state and would like that efiled direct deposit. They also would like audit shield. I can not get the audit shield to go onto the 1040EF info sheet without a bank product. Any help would be great!

  13. Yes it is an IRA distribution. I have no problem with the slip it is done correctly. My question is where do you enter the taxable portion of the distribution in ATX if it is not via the slip?

    I guess I just do not understand your question. Box 1 shows the 40000 and box 2 blank ( since this is a Traditional IRA, this is normal) I think it was Taxbilly that asked if any of the contributions that the taxpayer made were NON-Deductible? ( This is where you would figure out the taxable portion of the distribution on the 5329.) If all of the contributions were deductible then the whole 40000 would be taxable. It is up to the client and his preparer to keep good records in determining the taxable portion. Form 5329 is the right form!


  14. I ran into the same thing, but then I looked over the income phaseouts for the Schedule M. The Making Work Pay Credit is reduced by 2% of Modified AGI that exceeds 75,000 or 150,000 for MFJ. Is the taxpayers income is over the limit?


  15. I am not new to filing returns but I am new to ATX.

    I cant seem to locate a way to add a statement to the return for the state. I am working on a retirement distribution, 5329 was added to the 1040 but for PA this particular distribution is not taxable. I usally attach a statement but I cant seem to find it in the ever plentiful list of ATX forms.( Not complaining )

    Thanks, Kim

  16. Some of your clients might want their w2s sooner than through the mail. Companies that send more than 15000 W-2s can enroll into W-2 eXpress. I am not affiliated with this company, just passing along one way to help your tax clients( Clients in need of their refund fast usually love this). The client will be asked information that only they will know, you can't do this for them. But you can print the w2 for them after they input their information. w2express.com


  17. Central Tax Bureau of PA (Centax) is the collection agent for several municipalities within our region. Just 3 miles north of our location the forms submit to the office in Aston and 3 miles south they submit to Berwick. For years, everything went to Berwick and we would customize the master with that address so as not to have to type it for each return.

    So with now needing 2 different addresses, does anyone know if it is possible to duplicate a master form? Having 2 marked in some way with each customized addy would be helpful.

    ~ Warning: If you say "yes, there is a way" I may need your help to walk me through the process. ~ biggrin.gif


    Wouldn't it just be easier to make a Generic Local for all. I have 10 different local taxing authorities and none are in the list for ATX, so I just picked one that looked close to what the locals would accept and revised it. Just a thought.


  18. I'm finally getting around to installing the 2008 archive disk. I see the customer ID on the envelope, but I don't see the installation codes anywhere in the envelope. So, I tried to log onto MyATX to find them. But it says to log in the 1st time, you use the installation code as the password. So, I guess I'm stuck. Is there some other way to log on or to find install codes before calling ATX on Monday?


    I am having the same problem, I did everything you tried too. Hopefully when the 2009 program arrives this will be solved. Please post if you figure this one out.

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