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Posts posted by RGFan

  1. Hi Gene,

    Your thoughts are welcome, and I completely understand this. I have checked with our accounting department, and we are not charging for this, so I am wondering if it is a TRX charge? Could you check to see who is invoicing or charging your card for this?

    I know there are some premium adds you can get, at which point it would be extra money, but not by a per client fee like this that they are aware of.

    [email protected] is my email if you would rather respond to me directly with any sensitive info.



  2. That fix should be permanant. What I found out is that the .NET framework with UAC turned on doesn't like our program too much. Actually, isn't just the tax program, it doesn't like many others with that control turned on. I confirmed that our way of getting through it was released on 8.6, so we should be good to go at this point.

    If for some reason someone gets it, you can also follow the steps below, but it would be best to just make sure you have all latest upgrades so that you don't have it going forward:

    1. Disable UAC

    2. Reboot machine

    3. Register all files

    Thanks, Donna.


  3. Okay, thank you for the feedback. I suspect there is a missing dll/file on your machine.

    The next time you get that, will you please take a screen shot and email it to me? That would be helpful, and if able, I may have someone from my team actually call you to walk through what can be done, if it isn't a global fix needed.



  4. It has been posted here before, so I will add it again; [email protected]

    To all, please use this email only in cases of emergency or to send me something like this; you have all been wonderful in this regard, and I appreciate it. Going through the forum not only ensures I can add the proper notes for everyone to see, but helps me not to lose track of things when they come to me personally. When needed, you are more than welcome to contact me at that email address.

    Thanks everyone.


  5. Hi John A,

    We have added the requested OR form into the Form Filler and I am pushing it through Product Management to see if we can possibly add the full form into the program still this year. I hope to get that done for you, but will keep you posted. In the meantime, at least the form is there to be manually done.

    John (Crank),

    I am still working on what we can do for PA Cities.

    As for all of you asking about forms, I would think this is as good as anything for now, so as they come in, I will ask about them, etc.



  6. Hi everyone,

    I am not sure if we have identitied and resolved this issue because we cannot duplicate it. However, in our attempts to determine what is happening we did see what may be contributing to it, and it is in testing right now, and scheduled to be released tomorrow afternoon.

    If anyone experiences this after tomorrow late afternoon, please let me know.



  7. Hey everyone,

    I find out one more little thing that may help; it isn't great, but may be better than reviewing the return. If you are on page 2, then peek, you will see page 2. So clicking "peek" will let you view what page you are on, but does in fact, only show that page and will not let you scroll or get through each of them from that view.

    That will at least make it so you can take the quick peek from a page you are on.



  8. Hi John,

    It is accurate that we do not mask the SSN's on the printed returns as of right now; I have made a note of it to see what can be done in the future.

    The watermark issue should be resolved and I believe was released on Thursday or Friday, so take a look at that and let me know what you see.

    Regarding the settings option for masking SSN/EIN's, that is just to mask them on the interface that you are looking at; in case you have employees that work for you and don't want them to see that.



  9. Good morning,

    I have checked with the team that monitors these as they come in to us and found that all the main instructions are saved and ready, except the 1120s instructions, which are still drafts. We are also waiting on a few 1041 states to post their instructions and a few random forms, like always. I asked them what the norm was in terms of timing for outstanding things and it differs by system and state, but within the next week or two almost all will be recieved, updated and posted for your use.



  10. Good morning, Crank:

    Take a couple of returns and follow the below steps and let me know if you are able to see the 2-year comparison at that point:

    1. Be in the 2009 Client Selection Screen

    2. Tag the clients you want to batch process

    3. Click the Utilities tab on the top menu bar

    4. Click Batch Process

    5. Process(Only) will show up in the dropdown (While in this field you might want to look at the drop down and see what some of the options are to get specific information about your clients)

    6. Click Process

    7. A Viewing File window will pop up – Click Close or print if you like

    8. In the 2010 software open the Client Selection screen

    9. Click the Update button

    10. The Update from 09 to 10 window will open

    11. Tag the clients you want to update

    12. Click the Update button

    13. An Update Process window will open

    14. When the update is completed you can open or not open the return

    15. Take a look at the Two-Year comparison and hopefully the information will be there

  11. Hi Kea,

    I have confirmed with the regulatory folks that for this we only use the Acknowledgement report, in lieu of Form 9325. However, we do offer Form 9325 in the Form Filler section of the program. Since it’s a Form Filler form, you would need to fill out the form manually.

    This may be old news to you, but I at least wanted to confirm that this is the offering for now.



  12. Hi everyone,

    I am disspointed to know that that info was available to everyone sooner; I will work with the necessary people to correct that for future reference.

    Art, I agree with your additional feedback, and had the right team at least update the info for 2010, and have taken the suggestion for what can be done with the documention going forward.

    Thank you.


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