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Janitor Bob

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Posts posted by Janitor Bob

  1. Client's refund has been delayed 2 months.  Finally received letter from IRS stating that refund is delayed because they did not have the 1095-A and to send a copy to substantiate the 8962.  What?!  In what bizarre world would the IRS need to come to the client for the 1095-A?  should they not have that just like they have the taxpayer's W-2 and 1099?


    Client should have had her refund in mid February...now IRS letter states with another 8 weeks.



  2. Clients deposited into their IRAs in March 2014 for tax year 2013.  Later in 2014, they contributed for tax year 2014.  This past January 2015, they deposited again for tax year 2015.


    Just to clarify...the January 2015 deposits can be for Tax year 2015...correct?  I want to make sure that these would not be considered non-deductible contributions for tax year 2014 (since they already contributed max amounts back in 2014 for tax year 2014

  3. I followed up and I now have a new client named Beth from Sidney, OH...she is wondering why none of you other losers wanted her.....Beth has yet to exlain why she did not contact a Sidney area preparer to begin with....instead choosing a preparer in Wyoming.

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  4. Client's son attended college in 2014.  Received 1098-T for $1,400.  Received 1099-Q showing $2,000 distribution.  According to client, the difference of $600 was used to pay for books/fees.  So if I understand correctly, the 1099-Q distribution is NOT taxable, but the client also does not get to claim any education credits...correct?


    what is the best way to report the 1098-T and 1099-Q info on the return to avoid IRS matching issues and CP-2000?

  5. I am sooooo tired of telling clients they owe IRS because they took big withdrawals from their 401k...and listening to them complain with shock and sadness.  Yes, they did hold out Fed tax, but that was barely enough and did not cover the 10% penalty.  God forbid they consult their tax advisor prior to getting that cash in-hand.



    • Like 12
  6. Just upgraded to Office...Unfortunately, they would not give me credit for the $75 I already paid for additional states.  Guess I'll chalk that up to cost of lesson learned...Next year, buy Office from the start.

  7. That would have been a better choice for me Jack...by the time I pay for extra states and e-files > 100 (both of which turned out to be more numerous than I expected), I could have paid for MAX with only a few dollars more.  I still may call and do just that.

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  8. Everything was going fine with ATX this year...but in the last 10 days or so, I am suddenly and unexpectedly having problems with the Fed client letter not recognizing state or local forms/letters.  For example the below error is suddenly appearing on a Fed client letter


    IMPORTANT: Currently, there is not a supported state form associated with the state client letter below. Discard the state client letter and open a new one.
    the last time I opened this return (2 days ago) this was not there...and I have made ZERO changes to the return.  Discarding the OH letter and adding a new one does nothing.
    I had a similar issue with the Fed client letter not recognizing the OH local return/letter.  All letters are fine if I do NOT combine.  but when I tell the Fed letter to combine the Fed with State & local, I occasionally get these weird issues.  I have tried discarding and replacing all letters...same issue.  I even removed the OH IT 1040 and added it again...same issue.
    Not the end of the world, but annoying.
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  9. Dear Client:  Despite what you heard at work, NO...there is no "Grace Period" that allows you to claim that your child born on Jan 2,2015 was born on 12/31/14 for tax purposes.


    ...but thanks for bringing up that questions AFTER I filed your return with a 12/31/14 birth date per your information.  Now you get to pay back a chunk of that refund and pay me for an amended return.  Thank the ladies at work for me!

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  10. She is with Curian and, in my opinion, they are churning.  She had 100+ pages of transactions last year and only had $3,000 in gains and they charged her over $1,000 in fees.  I have not looked yet this year, but I assume fees are similar this year.  I told her of my suspected churning last year and advised her to speak to them about it...I stopped short of providing investment advise...although I think she should dump them.

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