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  1. Hi, Cathy! Have you heard anything from any of the agencies you last contacted? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for your continued diligence, Cathy!
  3. Hi, Cathy! I'm happy to see someone looking into this instead of taking it at face value that these credits are really legit. I called the LDR this morning, and I was told by the person that answered the phone that the Flex Fuel vehciles qualify. That really doesn't mean a whole lot to me, mainly because, like you, to me the law appears to exclude Flex Fuel vehicles. When the state starts receiving the ton of amended returns this is going to lead to, someone is going to take notice. Have you seen any of the letters you referred to above that are requesting repayment? Please keep us posted in regards to any additional information you receive. I have sent some e-mails to other state affiliated individuals. Hopefully we can get some confidence regarding how to handle this.
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