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Gail in Virginia

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Posts posted by Gail in Virginia

  1. Is there any kind of telephone number with the statement? You should be able to contact personnel/human resources and find out what your options are. This sounds like some kind of pension/profit sharing/401(k) account that you had with ATX that was rolled over into CCH's plan. You should not have to pay any one to help you get this money, if you are fully vested in whatever kind of account this is. If you take the money out, however, you might have to pay a 10 % tax penalty, in addition to regular taxes, if you are under age 59 and 1/2. There are other exceptions, but without knowing more details, it is hard to know exactly what advice to give you. I am sure we will all be glad to help if you can give us more information.

  2. Got my first one the other day - was totally shocked! I would have expected if they didn't have the extension, they would just notify you your return was late and tell you what the penalty was, leaving it up to the taxpayer to prove they sent a 7004. At least that is the way I remember it working in the past. This was a new one on me.

  3. I think this is a great idea - I just wish they would change the original due date for those returns to March 15 like the corporations to help individual taxpayers who always seem to forget they bought into a partnership or are expecting a statement from a trust.

  4. I have a client who is a Canadian citizen, and works and lives in the US (minister!). When he came in to get his TDF90-22.1 completed this year, he asked me what I knew about social security/ RSP offsets. Well, nothing. I have looked at the social security web site at the summary of the agreement between the US and Canada and I don't see anything about offsets. Is someone out there aware of any thing like this? Is there any offset that would benefit him?

  5. We can make this an informal court and allow Pro Se representation (for those that don't know Pro Se is a Latin adjective meaning "for self", that is applied to someone who represents himself or herself without a lawyer in a court proceeding).

    I always heard that anyone who represented himself had a fool for a client.


  6. I try to stay out of these discussions. However, I just could not comment on the software license from CCH.

    Well, I recap it.

    Your rights are almost nonexistent.

    CCH contracts with you to provide nothing, well almost nothing.

    CCH rights are supreme.

    I suggest you don't read the license, if want to feel assured about CCH is going to do.

    I have do complaint about CCH or ATX and I plan on renewing with ATX.

    But isn't that pretty much standard licensing language for all software? Most of them basically say that you don't own anything, they just let you use it.

  7. I don't think JB posted over the summer last year either - but I don't want to wait until tax season to find out if she said YES or not. The suspense is killing me - this is way more interesting than American Idol!

  8. I was born and raised in Cook County during the tenure of the first Daley. Vote early and often. Joel, how was the second Daley?

    When my son was little, he used to go with both me and his father to vote, and then usually he would go with both my parents when they voted. I always told everyone I was raising him to be a good Democrat - vote early, and vote often! :lol:

  9. I love the new things I learn on this board. This looks like a great way to quit wasting paper on those ridiculous faxes that come in every night and are waiting for me in the morning, offering to buy the business and send all the employees to Hawaii for 1.99 or some such. I will have to look into this.

  10. >>46 * 15 = 690 minutes / 60 is 11.5 hours<<

    There is no reason in the world why he needs to spend 15 minutes per call. He can simply say he doesn't want them to contact him until they are ready for him to do the tax return, and hang up.

    If I use that strategy, I can save a lot of time, because most of my clients would never call again. I wonder why I didn't think of that before? I can really work efficiently now!

  11. BTW, I do not offer this as fact, but I read somewhere the other day that XP is only going to be available until June, then Microsoft is going to insist that computer sellers go to Vista. This might not affect your local computer seller, but probably will affect the biggies like Dell and HP. If you do have to go the Vista route, get as much RAM memory as you can - Vista is a hog when it comes to RAM.

  12. It is not only a matter of whether you know enough to transfer your data, but how efficient it is for you to spend your time doing it. I am pretty geeky, but when it comes to the office computers I find it more efficient for me to do enough tax returns to pay the professionals to come in and do the grunt work on our network. They charge more per hour than I do, but they can troubleshoot and fix a problem faster than I can and any time I am working on hardware/software issues is time that I am not working on taxes and accounting - the things that I earn my living doing.

  13. When I applied for exempt status for a couple of local PTO's I was told that box 12 was the more favorable status by the agent processing the applications, so I have continued to use that and to provide the support information. I think that I would go that route if I were you, but I would also try to get a look at which they checked when they initially applied for exempt status. I was under the impression from the agent I spoke to that organizations covered under box 13 might not necessarily be 501 (c ) 3, but might instead be covered under a slightly different code section resulting in contributions not being tax deductible. Not all organizations that are required to file 990 are charitable organizations.

  14. Has this PTA applied for exempt status? Normally the answer to that question on schedule A should match whatever was put on the original application unless it has changed. And as a rule, I would use box 12 unless the organization could not show that the degree of support they get from the community qualified them for that category. This is a stronger argument for being a 501( c) 3, but does require you to complete the support schedule in the next section every year. I suspect that the organizations who are checking box 13 and putting the name of the school just don't want to be bothered with the more detailed information about where the money comes from that is required by box 12.

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