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Posts posted by Randall

  1. That's what I'm thinking too joan. Remember with the no make work credit, those working got a 2% cut in SS. One recent client couple had a surprise when they owed $5000. He retired mid-year, took some retirement money (no withholding), took SocSec (no withholding),she still worked making decent income (low withholding), they paid off mortgage (much lower deduction). They were a new client but even so, they really didn't plan. But they had the money to pay, just were surprised. Another client, husband died, she took $35k in IRA out at once (no withholding). Couldn't understand why she owed so much. I realize she was under stress but she didn't call me to ask. I wonder why the financial institute didn't talk to her about some withholding on the IRA.

  2. I know you said you didn't mix them up, but double check every place the filer and spouse are listed for check marks for spouse, etc. Usually, we have the husband listed first. When I have the wife as surviving spouse, I put her first as filer with the deceased husband 2nd as spouse. There are several places to make changes including filer info, W2s, 1099s that are marked as filer or spouse. Not saying that's your problem, just saying double check.

  3. The statement about principal and interest may be from the investment point of view (whether retirement account or nonretirement account) and not reflect tax basis and taxable growth above basis. If the annuity is an IRA, the insurance company may not know if it were a deductible or nondeductible IRA. The client needs to provide info this. As fredazcpa said, need 8606. Or history statements of money going into the IRA and source, with copy of 1040 showing no deduction.

  4. A lot of people just don't understand what a corp or LLC is about. They are separate entities. Sometimes it seems absurd to file more returns and such, but they should realize what their form of business is and how it is to be reported. If they want to change it, do the proper procedures for dissolving the entity, etc. But until then, you have to file the proper forms.

  5. I agree about the comfort level of getting the acknowledgement. Same with the extensions. I put off efiling extensions until a few years ago, I scratched my head and asked myself why am I sending these in paper. I just efiled all my corp extensions. I'll do 1040s the first week of April. Try to contact clients I think might owe something for a payment to send in but at least the extensions will be filed.

  6. I began efiling 1120s and 1065s last year. I put it off several years because Ky still isn't up on these. But I decided I could still save a little time and paper by efiling the Fed and paper filing the state.

  7. Sometimes I think certified means I'm 'genuine certified', meaning I'm 'out there'.

    I think CPA has come to one of those things where the initials just mean the initials and the original words carry less meaning. Way back in college, I thought auditing was a real neat thing, then I did some of it and wasn't sure (inside) what the heck it was all about. In recent years, I'm very skeptical it means anything at all. With the scandals of Enron, Arthur Andersen going down, the banks and their nonsense, I just scoff at an audit report.

    The AICPA almost destroyed the CPA designation a few years ago by trying to move to a new designation, called Cognitor. Ha. The membership voted it down. Wow, over a hundred years of the CPA designation down the drain for a joke like moniker.

    I'm old and jaded now.

  8. I'm a CPA. Most of you EAs and others do a whopping more business than me. Sometimes I think people avoid me BECAUSE of the CPA designation, thinking I'll cost them a lot more. My fees are probably lower than yours. I wonder what good it's done me to be a CPA. I pay whopping dues to the AICPA and Ky Society of CPAs and wonder why I keep doing it.

    Ok, my rant is over too.

    Back to the original post. Why couldn't an investment adviser answer the question about RMDs?

  9. This was in 2008. I don't know much about Ameridream myself. I just saw this on the settlement statement. I agree that with the substance over form approach. This amount wasn't paid by the client so it just essentially reduced the cost of the home.

  10. If a person receives a grant (Ameridream program) to help purchase a home, is this part of the person's purchase price for basis purposes or does the grant have to be subtracted? I know logically it wouldn't make sense to include this, but there are some quirky benefits. Settlement statement shows total purchase cost, then the grant as part of the upfront payment.

  11. I got the S500 a few years ago and it's still going strong. No need to update yet. But it doesn't have the twain driver. Does the S1500 have the twain driver. Not sure if I need it right now, but I think I'll want it with my next one for some things coming up.

  12. Can't answer your question. But on the subject, can we file a short year for a 1040 return. Just got word, a client died. I'll do the 2011 but I'm wondering if we have to wait a year to do a final 2012.

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