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Posts posted by TAXMAN

  1. I have had some that went both ways. If you look at several paystubs you can most of the time tell which way the Co. is doing it. without the stubs CO contact thru HR is another way to find out. Just be careful.

  2. Helo everybody. I need to know how to attach and or modify the Return Cover Sheet. I have looked through all the help screens and other stuff but can't seem to find. I may be short as a box of nails in finding. Can someone direct me?

  3. OK What I have is a tP that withheld Fed/Fica/MT and state tax assumming this person was going to work the whole year. Turns out she did not work enough to reach the magical number requiring the w-2 to be filed. What would you do? I am thinking filing the w-2 showing the wages and the Fed withholding only and refunding the Fica and medicare and state. What do you think?

  4. What I have is an estate(form 1041) that paid a law firm to settle some issues. Checks were not paid to individual attorney. Does the estate issue 1099 to the law firm?

    Since the 1041 will be filed on a fiscal year going across 2 calander years IF the 1099 is required, is the form(1099) required for the year paid or the year 1041 being filed for?

  5. Is it just me? I rolled over a return(simple). Go to returns manager not there. Exit program. Reenter program and there it is. I don't like the idea of leaving program and renter to see rolled return. What do you think?

  6. What we have here is a farm partnership that during the year it has bought feed, seed, hay and other supplies that were bought from other farmers(most are individual). Are we legally supposed to issue 1099's to all the various people who are not partnerships or corporations that the ptrship paid in excess of $600.00. What are others doing?

  7. To clarify The Points were rolled into the loan. $ dispersed to tp were 212K. TP deposited 212k into bank account per bank statement. Estate sold home paying mortgage company the 220k plus the accrued interest 3 months after he died. Does this make it any clearer. Thanks.

  8. I have not seen this before. I have a TP who got a reverse mortgage 220k. He paid 8k in points to get loan. He died 6 months later. Estate was required to pay off points and interest when they sold the house. I know the interest is limited to interest on 100k. What I am not sure is what to do with all these points? Include them as interest and limit to 100k? Put them on deceased tp final return? Allocate them to tp and the estate? Help is needed. BTW this all occurred in the same tax year. What do you think would be the correct way to handle the points?

  9. For purposes of Form 1041, Is life insurance taxable to the Estate. No federal Estate return required gross Estate was less than 40K. Estate was named beneficiary and check was paid to Estate. I think it has to be Taxable on form 1041. What do you think?

  10. TP deceased 2011 having a reverse mortgage. Estate filing (form 1041) Admin sold house in 2012 paying off mortgage. How would you handle the 12k of interest paid at closing? BTY the adminstrator had the right to sell and included the balance of cash received into the estate checking account. RE was not sold to any heirs or relatives and at a FMV.

  11. Hello all

    Not a tax question.

    I have a xerox documate 162 scanner and am wondering what scanning software you may be using. I find all kinds. I basically need something that the software will read and save as a PDF format. Need some work capacity on documate. Mostly to get rid of a lot of paper files that I have. Thanks to all.

  12. Jack we didn't clean out 2011's file figuring we would wait until Dec. to clean up the file. Some of our employers are no longer in busines after 2010, 2011. Several entries consist of names with extra s or another company took over or merged. Anyway we just wanted to clean up this file. I am reading the above post concerning imports. Thanks for all the help and ideas. Did they indicate when we may get a major update?

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