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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Client received 1099B for a Restricted Stock Plan Account. It shows the following:

    Trade Date reference Price gross $$ Comm other costs Net $$ Shares

    4/1/06 Release 46.250 33.00

    6/30/06 cash-div (4.95) (4.95)

    6/30/06 DR-Ck-DR 4.95

    7/26/06 Sold Stock 34.05 1123.65 35.00 5.04 1083.61 (33.00)

    7/31/06 DR-CK-DR 1083.61

    Would the release date be the cost basis of the stock? I'm coming out with a short term loss of $442.00 Not sure if this is correct though??

    Any ideas??




    We are about to enter the summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is

    important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime

    outdoor cooking activity, as it's the only type of cooking a 'real' man

    will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.

    When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are

    put into motion:


    (1) The woman buys the food.

    (2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes


    (3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along

    with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man

    who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

    Here comes the important part:


    More routine....

    (5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

    (6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He

    thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with

    the situation.

    Important again:


    More routine....

    (8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins,

    sauces, and brings them to the table.

    (9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

    And most important of all:

    (10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his efforts.

    (11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off." And, upon

    seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing

    some women....

  3. If you haven't sent them, you can disregard it. I recieved software from TaxSlayer & Drake this morning. I'm taking the family out to the Island tonight and we'll be back tomorrow evening. I will try the new software beginning Monday. Thanks for the offer!!


  4. She scammed once, got caught, and then tried the scam again? I have no sympathy. Besides, it also seems like she has no expenses. No expenses = ability to pay. Its only about $120/month....

    I really don't feel sorry for her either. I've never done an OIC and this will not be my first. As Jainen says, she probably would not have the money to pay for it or might just not want to. $120.00 a month should not be too bad. Would this be with or without the OIC?

    Thank you both for your responses!!


  5. in 2004, single female claimed 2 children that belonged to a friend of hers. Due to that, she now owes IRS $6001.38 including interest & penalties. In 2006 she claimed 1 child that did not belong to her. The EIC portion of that refund was frozen, but she still owes $1138.97 for 2006. The total amount due is $7140.35. She has a job (minimum wage). She is single & lives with her parents. WOuld this be a situation that might qualify for an OIC??

    I'm not sure that I would even try to initiate this for her, but want to at least try to give her a bit of advice.



  6. Received a disk from TaxSlayer Pro this week; so apparently the ATX word is definitely out. Even though my mind is pretty much made up, will take a look at this. I heard that this is a privately owned company, but so was Parsons, and money speaks! Hopefully, all of us will find our niche for the coming year.

    I'm not having any luck with anyone sending me a demo disc :-(. I've ordered from Drake, taxSlayer & proseries so far with no luck. At this rate I might not have a choice, but to remain with ATX just maybe upgrade to Max.

    Bob, if you get anymore extra demos let me know!! :-)



  7. Sherri, yes you may continue to e-file the returns. I'm not sure of the correct date, but I believe it is sometime in October. How are things in Ohio??


  8. I took a quick look at their message board and didn't care for the format.

    Agree with Old Jack, didn't like it too much. The Taxbook Forum is good. I also Like TaxPro Exchange. Most of my time will be on this board though. More familiar people and most don't mind the jokes and stuff here :-)


  9. Thank you all for the replies. Since I had already filed a 1040X, would it be best to try to contact the IRS employee who helped with this problem originally or should I try and send in another 1040X to correct it?

    Thanks again!


  10. Client from 2004 filed his return. On box 12 it showed 5353.50 (V). I failed to include a Sch D with the return. Client received a CP2000 from IRS several months ago. They were charging him $4136 which includes penalties & interest. According to them (IRS) there was a total of $14756 in stock sales in 2004. I went back to file a 1040X showing he only owed 850+interest. After a few weeks I called the Fresno Office and spoke to an employee and explained what I'd done. She said it was a stock option and should have pretty much zeroed out. Well They accepted the 1040X and are now charging him the 850 + interest.

    Can someone with a little bit of spare time give me a step by step way to file the stock options correctly? I know it's something I should know, but have had some trouble with it as you can see :-)



  11. I downloaded the 2005, (TaxSlayer) program, but would much rather have the 2006 to do some extension returns on it. Right now I'm debating whether to go with Max or a different program altogether. Definitely will not be using 1040 Office any longer due to efiling costs. With shipping and handling + efiling cost the price could be just under $2000 for 1040 Office.


  12. Eli, that means if it is later determined that the party requesting, and receiving, the refund is not legally entitled to it, "they will pay it out to the appropriate party who has been determined to be the rightful owner." In other words, they promise to hold it in sort of an escrow until the proper beneficiary is determined.

    Thanks to both of you for your replies. That was what I was looking for. I will relay the info to the preparer. Now I'm DONE!!

    PS: Marilyn, he's a character!! Wanna take him for a couple of weeks?? lol

  13. A friend is working on her cousin's return. Her cousin died in an automobile accident last month. She was due a refund on her return. There is no will (she didn't have anything). The parents would like to be able to claim the refund. I think form 1310 would be used in this case. Am I correct?

    I would check off box "C" in Part I. In Part II it would be no to the 1st 3 boxes (1, 2A & 2B). For # 3 I'm not sure what they mean by paying out the refund? This is where I'm stuck!! Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated!



  14. Do you really believe they have not been monitoring these other forums and already know how we feel.??? In fact, they had to know how we would feel before they even did it. We had been a close knit community for years. I would rather not beg either.....I did send them an e mail early on and received no response.

    I have to agree with Bob & Marilyn on this one. I think we have the beginning of a great thing here. We have the chance to be a close knit community once again. Just in the two weeks or less that the board has been up & running there are over 100+ members. I would prefer to stay here.


  15. Even tho' I still have some extensions to print/mail, a personal return (complete with Sched C business) to do and 4 returns to deliver, I have convinced myself that today won't be so bad.

    Just because the normal next to last day wasn't hectic enough, the weather was miserable yesterday, including winds up to 45 mph. Among the trees that went down was one about a block away. It landed on a pickup truck, blocking the road from the neighborhood, killing the driver and taking out the power in our whole neighborhood for more than 4 hours. I did use the time to sort papers and staple printed returns, but I didn't have all that many done. Couldn't use the time to deliver the returns sitting in the out basket, so I dug out our camp stove and reheated some leftover soup. Had a romantic candle dinner for one (retired hubby goes south to play golf--and stay out of my way--the last week of tax season).

    Once the power came back on, I got back to work and, of course, lost track of time. Finally went to bed about 2 hours later than planned. Then the fun part: at 2am one of my usually sweet cocker spaniels decided to throw up next to the bed (at least she wasn't in it!!).

    Well, today's another day. Tomorrow the dogs, the cat and I can sleep in!!


    I agree that today should be much better. Yesterday, the 4th client I saw, was a home heath nurse. She worked for the same company that the 2 nurses that took care of me while I was ill last year did. They were two of the nicest people I dealt with during that time. I asked if she knew them and she said yes. Then she dropped a bombshell. One of them was killed in a car accident last year. I practically dropped the stapler I had in my hand. So I know today has to be much much better!!


  16. Long story short, my computer died middle of last week, so I had to purchase a new machine. Of course it has Vista that is not yet supported by ATX, so I am running into a few problems.

    My main problem at this point is that two new returns that I created are not showing up in my Return Manager tab. I have them backed up and have tried to since restore them, but they are still not showing up when I reopen the program. Any suggestions on how to make them show up?

    Thanks for any help.

    Are you using the "import return" feature?


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