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Posts posted by Booger

  1. KC is a moderator, he can change just about anything he wants.

    Mel, thanks for reminding me re KC..........Friday is the day we have to sacrifice a virgin to the

    Moderator God. Problem is, I can't find a virgin here in Marysville, Ohio. Anybody got a virgin lying

    around that they are not using??


  2. Jb.... She was here to sign and pay, then left and came back 30 minutes later, during which I transmitted the return.

    Her dad owns a fairly large business in the area with a decent amount of employees. So (being the sneaky rotten um.. thing that I am) I am hoping with the refund of his daughter's small tax prep fee, and WHEN (not "if") I am proven right, I would gain more than that one fee with the referrals etc.

    Or maybe that is just wishful thinking too.

    Besides she still hasn't showed up for her money back yet.

    How did you like that storm tuesday night? We had VERY strong winds, but I heard that Northern Ohio

    had it worse.


  3. I have a clients who filed for divorce on 04-15-07

    2 (two) children

    She moved out of the family home on 06-05-07

    Both are AZ residents: a community property state

    Joint legal custody of children, each is to receive one child for dependent exemption

    Actual custodial living arrangements one child with father all of the time

    other child with father Sunday PM through Fri PM (5 days)

    Father provides all support but is ok with relinquishing one exemption

    Both meet the more than 6 months apart for purposes of HOH BUT I do not believe the mother

    can qualify becaust of the provision that she must provide for the cost of the household and the has not met the more than 6 months requirement for her support of the household, even though the father more than qualifies on both counts.

    He has made virtually 100% of the morgtage interest payments even though the property and the mortgage remain in both names until the divorce is final.

    I think he can file as HOH but she must file married filing single. By virtue of these facts, must she still itemize on her return as if he had filed MFS, and further must he give up 1/2 half of the mtg interest to her for the period prior to the filing of the divorce?

    Or can they still file Joint since the divorce isn't final but has legally been filed for?

    Any insight would be appreciated.

    I believe that if the D-I-V-O-R-C-E is not finalized by the end of the tax year, they can still file MFJ.


  4. I was the technical support for the legal team in a rather ugly divorce. The now ex-spouse was a CPA AND CFP in Fl & MI. He had taught MACPA & AICPA CPEs. He had three sets of tax returns, (1) Credit Card Companies (2) IRS/States and (3) Local Banks. Additionally he kited monies from the defined pension plan to the business & personal accounts. The court was baffled and said his businesses weren't worth anything and allowed him to keep all business assets at a marital value of Zero, and sold all personal marital assets at auction. He purchased at auction the lake house, the commercial rental property, the jag, the MG, etc. etc. His wife lost half her pension from the school system. His ex-wife turned all documents over to the SEC, the IRS, the MACPA, the AICPA, FBI and nothing was done. He was indicted by the Florida Department of Commerce last year for misappropriating funds from investor's portfolios but nothing was ever done on the bank or tax fraud. lbb

    Guy sounds like a real piece of work. How some people can sleep at night astounds me.


  5. Ode to CCH

    There once was a preparer in Nantucket

    Who finally said gosh just F**K it

    I wait forever

    And an answer I never

    Receive from support just S**KS it.

    (Hope no one is offended by language used in the above limerick)


    PS Any resemblence to REAL POETRY is purely coincidental.

  6. Yes Booger. Atx assured me they had already been e-filed.

    I don't want to risk DUPLICATE filings. We can't confuddle the IRS any more than they already are.

    It's hard enough getting my clients deposits straightened out when they put them in the wrong quarter!

    Chrisbry, I guess what I was thinking is just paper file them in the first place.


  7. I have to transmit some returns and customer support is telling me my efin is not in the system. I have transmit returns using Atx for past 3 years with the efin they do not have. Here what even better its takes 72 hrs to add your efin. a 6 digit #. And the long wait for technical support is awesome. I did 3 returns and make coffee for my clients.

    Ode to CCH

    There once was a preparer in Nantucket

    Who finally said gosh just F**K it

    I wait forever

    And an answer I never

    Receive from support just S**KS it.

    (Hope no one is offended by language used in the above limerick)


  8. Were they smoking crack??! Why would you ever put yourself or your license in that position??

    It's called MONEY. Not everyone with a CPA, MD, or ESQ designation behind their name

    is honest. The CPA (and the taxpayer) were betting that the loan officer/mortgage company

    wasn't going to request a filed copy of the return from the IRS.

    Ooops, they LOST.


  9. >>We had to chisel the numbers on the stone tablet<<

    Yeah, that was a nuisance until they discovered clay. On the other hand, you could pay your whole tax bill with a bag of salt.

    jainen, I was pretty fluent with "Stonetax"..........wonder if that was the reason that they said I was

    a good chisler?


  10. And if there was a mistake and it was too close to deadline to send back to them for revision, then we had to use the white correction tape over the mistake and follow it all the way through the return. Sometimes it would be easier just to do the return by hand (which I also remember).

    Then . . . . when I went out on my own, the first tax sofware I used was Digitax. We had plastic sheets that went over the top of the "return" that we printed out in order to create the form. Do you remember that?


    How about "Stonetax"? We had to chisel the numbers on the stone tablet (the mailing costs were EXTREMELY HIGH).


  11. Hello everybody

    I have a client whose child was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and currently in state's (OH) custody due to violent attitude, question is can taxpayer claim him as dependent, my understanding is no, since all 12 months state provided the support, correct me if i am wrong, thanks to all who responds

    ? darwkcab gnihtyreve ees uoy erehw redrosid eht taht sI


  12. Gosh, you guys are all old if you remember Computax. Another thing I remember about using them was that you had to ship the input sheets out of state and then wait on them to ship the returns back to you. It made the cut-off around April 5 to allow for shipping.

    Yea, and if you made ONE mistake on those input sheets you wouldn't know it until the return came back.

    If I remember correctly the firm that I worked for used a March 31st cut-off date.


  13. Yes I do. We would have to get those big green input sheets however. Remember your hash totals?


    What I remember most is that we spent more time making sure the input sheets were filled out

    correctly then it would have taken to fill out the return manually.

    Booger (An Old Man)

  14. Just got all of my OH Acks -- returns e-filed from 1/14 up to now!!! Took a while, didn't it?


    Patience is a virtue.


    PS, If you want any more deep, thought-provoking statements such as the one above, I'll have to charge you.


  15. The 1120/1120S EF has been approved.

    Another one that did not come up on my "updated forms" list after updating.

    They are ahead of last year's on that one.

    Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

    Isn't this great. You're right, they are ahead of last year.


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