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Posts posted by Bart

  1. Hi all --

    I have a bizarre error showing up on two different returns. Updating the program doesn't fix it.

    Form 8829, business use of home. When I enter the depreciation information on the worksheet for Line 41, it properly calculates the current year depreciation. So far so good.

    But the number that actually shows up on Line 41 of Form 8829 is _doubled_ the amount on the worksheet??!!

    Anyone have any ideas of things I can try? I've tried deleting the form and re-installing it, I've tried deleting all the entries and starting over, and anything I could think of.

    I'm stuck unless I override. I'd prefer to not do that.

    Help would really be appreciated.



    Are you sure you have not entered the house in asset entry also?

  2. Thanks! I have filled that out. Now it keeps asking for county of residence and 3 digit school district. Since she is a non-resident, I left it blank but I keep getting an error.

    On the MO-1040 Page 1 the county of residence is NONRESIDENT and the school district number is 347.

  3. Yes, they may. Enter the names as they are shown on the social security card, i.e. "John Smith and Mary Jones"

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

    That is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

  4. We have several clients that are housing foreign exchange students this year. They have asked us about credit for foreign exchange students. Do any of you know about this and/or where it is reported?

    You get a contribution deduction of $ 50.00 per month that the foreign student lives in your home more than half the month.

    Sec 170(g).

  5. Does someone is having problems to print a return?

    Since two days ago I start having problems to print my returns, I'm using an HP LaserJet 1022 same printer for the last three years. The only solution for this is turn off my computer and start again, some times when I start my ATX program it start printing the return that couldn't print before. Is someone having this kind of problem?

    Everything looks right, when I check printer status I see the documents waiting for print.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you

    Try downloading the newest printer driver.

  6. Nope not checked. I can see all my other completed returns. I'll have to double check with the client to make sure I actually efiled it. I clearly remember him signing the paperwork.

    Thanks for trying!


    Do you keep a copy in your files of returns you prepare for clients?

  7. Do you mark all three to transmit at the same time, or can you just transmit the state only after the federal and state piggyback are accepted? What's the point of doing a "held"? Just so you don't make a mistake of transmitting until you're ready?

    I do not send the held return until the federal is accepted. If the federal is rejected I think the piggyback is rejected also. That way I can correct all of them and send again. You can transmit the state only later.

  8. I'm efiling two states. Program ask me if I want to hold the state only return. What is the best way to do? Do you mark and transmit Fed and Ks and MO marked hold? or do you only transmit Fed and KS, wait to be accepted and then transmit MO? I don't know in what order or how do this? Please help. Thanks

    I always piggyback the state with the biggest refund. I hold the other state until the fed is accepted.

  9. Okay now, what am I doing wrong....could it be just me.....or could it be ATX??? I can't recreate an efile when it is still "Validated by EFC". That is the status in my Efile Manager even though it is Rejected in MyATX. I have synchronized with ATX and that didn't help either.

    Can you delete it out of the efile manager and then recreate it?

  10. His own number (I mean, the person that got paid). I am a citizen of another country and I have a social security number.

    My suggestion is that you state your questions with details so you don't ask one question at a time.

    Sorry, I will try to be more clear. I was trying not to take up too much of everyone's time. I have a client that sells an item over the internet thru brokers. He is a u s citizen and has a social security number and federal i d number. All of the borkers he works thru are in other countries. He pays them 50% - 60% of the sale amount as a commission. He wants to deduct those commission payments. Normally on commissions, I prepare 1099's for those receiving the commissions if they are unincorporated. These foreign brokers are unincorporated but have no reason (and are not interested in) obtaining social security (or ITIN) numbers. I am wondering if we have to give them 1099's and if so how without social security numbers. Can he deduct the commission expense?

  11. My understanding is that a married couple that makes 100K and have two children will get $1,800 ($600 for each filer and $300 for each child). I have 2 questions...

    1.- what year will be the base to determine the head count, 2006 or 2007? (So clients that were not required to file should file on the base year so their head counts).

    2.- what happens if a family has 6 children and makes $100K?

    I thought the head count was based on 2007 filing.

    I have another question. Will this rebate decrease the amount of the taxpayers refund for tax year 2008?

  12. One thing that I cannot figure out from all these wonderful press reports (which all say the exact same thing, nothing) is whether low income families with children will get $300 foer each child? does this mean that if a family with 4 children who paid no taxes (income below $65K) will get $1,500 ($300 _+ $300 per child)? or will this family only get $300?

    This is what I read:

    The result was a plan that will deliver tax rebate checks starting in May to anyone earning more than $3,000, with smaller rebates for people with incomes of $75,000 — or $150,000 for a couple — and a $300-per-child bonus. Most taxpayers would get $600 rebates, or $1,200 for couples. Those who earn too little to pay taxes, including senior citizens living off of Social Security or veterans on disability checks, would get rebates of $300 for individuals and $600 for couples.

  13. How do I get the return address for the Client Mailing Lower? It is not showing in my envelope. I am talking about the mailing slip from me to my client. I use the ATX envelopes. I don't know how to line up the return address. I haven't had this problem before.


    Susan :blink:

    Edit the master form and make the row height of the row just above the client name and address wider. The row above the client info on my form is row 25.

  14. Needed a break and looked on their website. Looks like anyone can open a Liberty for $30-60K. You have to pay them a percentage of your gross return fees as well. After this info I am sure all of you will be rushing to get a franchise started so you have have half drunk statue of liberty's outside your office!!! All you need to do is attend a 5 day training course and you are qualified!!! So why did all of us spend years learning how to do this when you can learn everything in 5 days???

    I just signed up with them and get to open my office next week. Check out the new avatar.

  15. Knock Knock?

    Who's there?


    bananna who?

    Knock Knock?

    who's there?


    Banna who?

    Knock knock?

    Who's there?


    Orange who?

    Orange you glad I didn't say frickin bananna???????

    Just a joke thought I would add a little kid humor to the site!!!

    Wendy Booth

    Please don't take offense!!!

    Cant imagine anyone taking offense. That was cute. :)

  16. We have both Uncle Sam and Miss Liberty here in Minnesota...yes, even when wind chill is -35....

    I was at a clients office doing their monthly bookkeeping and in walked Miss Liberty with a dozen donuts trying to get their business. The client introduced me and she left.

  17. Last year a new client tried to e-file with her husband-reject because her last name didn't match her SS#. Filed it with her maiden name and it went right through. This year, she brought me her SS card, it does have her married name on it with the right #. Card was kind of beat-up, so she has had it for a while. Guess what--it went through with the maiden name again! I told her to contact SSA after their refund is in their bank account to try to straighten this out.


    I have a client that every other year we have to use her married name and on the other years use her maiden name. This has be gong on for eight years now.

  18. Hello KU--Please let me know where I can find any info on this statement. thank you and how the h--- did K St. beat you?

    When the IRS determines that an independent contractor was misclassified and changes their classificaion to employee, they charge the employer with ALL the taxes. Could not find a case or cite. K State played a H--- of a game. Are you a badgers fan?

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