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Feedback from those who use Document Mgr and/or Scan/Fill?


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I looked over the materials explaining document manager and scan/fill but realize the materials are marketing the products to be the best thing since toilet paper.

Currently I scan or save documents to a client folder by year in the explorer directory. If I start using ATX document manager will I be totally ecstatic with the features and ease of use vs. the way I am currently using the explorer directory? Or will I be sadly disappointed?

The product description makes it seem as though I can easily move my existing client folders over to document manager with ease and keep the same organization- "client" folder with "year" subfolders below.

Can those of you who use document manager give me some feedback on this product? Is it better and a lot easier to use than using the explorer directory?

As far as the scan/fill product- it sounds great and I would love to have that feature. I have the 2006 demo program but haven't tried using it since the input from this forum indicates that the program doesn't bring the information into the ATX tax program like it should. Has anyone had good luck with the scan/fill product? I don't want to waste my time trying it out if it is worthless.


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As for as I know I have not received a promised update from last summer.

It will not work with all scanners, well, at least it does not work with

my scanners.

The program I have is a single and will not even as a single user

run from a sever. I tried and failed.

I have not tried the scan and fill and do not own it.

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If you look at previous messages there are a few regarding scan and fill.

First all w2 forms will not work. Also someone complained about the document manager saying you can't do it the way you want you have to use certain sub folers,

I tried the demo and I don't see it saving you time unless you have a lot of new clients.

Someone else was told they have to purchase an new scanner.

all in all I cannot see the value of the program for an outrageous price.

If you are looking for a document manager go to zdnet download section and download a document manager for gree.

I use PaperPort which came with my scanner and it works fine, it scans everything in to a PDF file.

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