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NT-> Mini-Storage Charges


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I'm posting this as a public service for anyone on this forum who uses a mini-storage company and especially anyone who has clients who use them. It's also a duplicate of a post I'm putting on other forums.

I've been dealing with the same company for 16 years, now owned by a national chain. I learned today that the unit I'm renting for $128 per month now rents for $80 per month, but of course these jerks didn't notify me of that fact - I had to pry it out of them. They prefer to gouge their long-term customers because they think the customer won't go to the trouble to move or won't bother to ask.

I'm changing storage companies soon, and in keeping with a PROMISE I MADE TO THEM TODAY, I'm telling everyone know about the shabby way they treat their loyal customers. So if you use a mini-storage company or if you have any clients who do, you should encourage them to ask questions and compare prices. I'm sure this is related to the current state of the economy, but there's simply no excuse for gouging loyal customers in this manner. I won't name the company, but I'd suggest holding their feet to the fire no matter what company you may be dealing with. Be sure to pass this info along to your clients - you'll be doing them a favor (unless you have one of the guilty parties as a client).

Rant over; promise kept.

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>>these jerks didn't notify me of that fact<<

Why should they? Did they not provide the service they promised at the price you agreed? Read the first part of Matthew 20, and chill out.

Yes, you are (of course) correct as usual.

I shouldn't criticize them for adhering to their contract.

But as of tomorrow we're changing roles.

I'm the landowner and they are the workers, and they're fired.

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