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Election to defer Crop Insurance Proceeds to 2012


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Question: There seems to be a problem with line 6c (Sch F (1040)) - Election to Defer Crop Insurance Proceeds to 2012.

On the form you have the words: "Date of destruction, damage, or inability to plant." You can only enter one date on that line. If you enter more than one date the line turns red.

In Publication 225, page 11 it says: "The cause of the destruction or damage and the date or dates it occurred." According to the IRS instructions here it says to me date or dates.

If you have more than one date of destruction (for example three) what is a person to do with the other two dates when the destruction occurred?

If you can enter more than one date when you received a check on that same form why can't you enter more than one date when the destruction occurred?

Look for your reply. Thanks!

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>>In Publication 225, page 11 it says... <<

Yep, you're absolutely right, Dan! Pub 225 does say that on page 11. That's the section describing what to include in the statement you attach. As to the form itself, why, no, Line 6c does NOT ask for the date. Just check the box, and attach the statement. If you don't believe me, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040sf.pdf.

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If you look on page 11 of Publication 225, page 11 it says, check the box on 8c and then it says:

"attach a statement to your tax return."

It goes on to say on that same page that the statement must include:

"the cause of the destruction or damage and the date or dates it occurred."

Problem in regard to previous question.

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If you put more than one date (say three dates) on the line it causes an error. If you put just one date (on date) on the return there is no error. When you do a check of the return you see an error with red identification. If you try this out on the return according to what I have written on the first post you will understand the problem.

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