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Lynn EA USTCP in Louisiana

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Posts posted by Lynn EA USTCP in Louisiana

  1. When I spoke with Gil Watts this morning (see my other notes regarding ATX TTO) he went on and on about ATX Scan & FIll program - now discounted from $695 to $400 (based on my TTO subscription) and with a free scanner.

    Who on this board is using this? Is it now the best thing since sliced bread? Will it really save me time? Or is the time saved from keying in the w2/1099 information now replaced with time spent using the scanner and making new folders, etc?


    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    :blink::rolleyes: :huh:

  2. Nope, still can't access the Tax Expert Online. So it goes...

    I had a little time and thought I'd install the 2007 ATX TTO program. The activation codes are for MAX, which explains why online I'm unable to access the research program (it's not part of the MAX subscription). When the program came up to be MAX and not TTO I cancelled the installation.

    I left phone message for the person I spoke with this morning, sigh, he's busy.

    KC - question - if I do go ahead and install MAX once they do send me the proper activation codes for TTO will I have to uninstall MAX, or will the proper activation codes allow the TTO to overwrite MAX? I know, it's really a question for ATX technical support but the only emails I can get to go through are to the sales dept.; those to technical support either come up with an error message immediately or are returned as undeliverable.

    All help and guidance appreciated. I'm glad I tried doing this now (when it's a LITTLE slower) instead of waiting until 1/31/2008.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

  3. In all prior years my ATX subscriptions have included the Federal Tax Expert research product. Today when I attempted to access it online I received a notice that I was not a subscriber!!! Though I have sent ATX an email no reply has yet been received. Anyone else on this board have information or other/similar experiences on this issue :angry: ?


    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

    After a telephone call to Gil at ATX (the e-mail came back undeliverable) the explanation is that they are updating the web-based system.


  4. In all prior years my ATX subscriptions have included the Federal Tax Expert research product. Today when I attempted to access it online I received a notice that I was not a subscriber!!! Though I have sent ATX an email no reply has yet been received. Anyone else on this board have information or other/similar experiences on this issue :angry: ?


    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  5. I want to provide tax planning services for some of my clients. How do you do this in ATX? If I use ATX 2006 to enter estimated 2007 figures the depreciation isn't correct. Does anyone have any advice on this?

    Have you considered printing the "next year's" depreciation report? I do that and then plug the known information into the "tax planner".

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  6. I didn't goof (or maybe I did by not giving the client a firm deadline to return the signed 8879). Just got back a signed 8879 for a 2006 1120S. I know the cover letter told the client the deadline they had to file the return but she didn't even sign the 8879 until 10/1 (and she had it for at least 2 months ! ).

    So I went ahead and cleared it for e-file and off it went this morning. ATX transmitted it to the service and I'll let you all know if it went through or was rejected.

    My clients teach me something new all the time.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  7. Yes, you can mark those you want it added to, then select the 'print organizers for marked returns' option on the main menu.

    Thanks, KC - I figured out how to do it for the Individual clients.

    One more question - does the system also generate organizers for entities such as corporations, partnerships, etc.?

    Thanks again - Lynn

  8. When I updated the ATX program one day this week I noticed the 2007 organizer is available. I was (still am, actually) a new user for the 2006 tax year and have a question.

    In order to do an organizer for every individual tax client, is it necessary to open each return and add the 2007 organizer for each one and then to do the print function? Is there an option to click which says to print an organizer for each client "clicked" on the list? Is there a way to "batch print" the organizers?

    Thanks for your help.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  9. I too received a second notice from "Caroline Stone" inviting me to continue with the survey. I attempted to comply but was able to answer only one or 2 more questions before receiving a message notifying me of an error with the link configuration. I've never been able to get back in to finish the survey. GIGO.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  10. If (IF)

    Client age 17 and full time student made $5K working in a restaurant and was withheld SS taxes, can he recover his portion of SS taxes withheld? It is my understanding that someone under 18 does not have to pay SS taxes if he makes less than $5,150. So employers don't know if that student will only make $5K and therefore they must withhold, but at the end of the year, we know exactly what he made (in this case, his only income was $5K from wages). It is clear to me that household workers don't pay ss taxes if under 18.

    Let's keep this forum active and participate by asking or answering.

    Is the student performing services for a private school? If yes, then his wages are exempt from social security and medicare withholding. If no, then any employer in the private sector (unless it is a schedule C owned by his parents) must withholding social security and medicare tax. See January 2007 Circular E, page 34.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

  11. You can use any 5 digits you would like for the PIN's.

    Although, it is recommended that you use a different PIN for the ERO than the clients.

    Also, your ERO PIN should remain the same on all returns.

    I agree with your comments.

    Guess I wasn;t clear. For the client's PIN I always use their zip code, and reverse it for the spouse.

    For the ERO (my) PIN I use my PTIN number, which remains the same for all returns.

    Lynn Jacobs, EA

    Kenner, LA

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