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ATX Community

Lee B

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Posts posted by Lee B

  1. I was a Senior in High School standing in the hallway getting ready to enter a Civics class.

    The news was announced over the P A system.

    I remembered my Civics teacher saying, " The stupid bastards actually went ahead and did it."

    He wouldn't explain his comment. Grist for the conspiracy theorists ?

  2. I was just at Dell's Website. Most of their business system selections give you the option of Win 7 or Win 8.

    if you go to consumer or home computer websites, your only option is Win 8.

    i also went to Lenovo's website which also gives you the option of both Win 7 & Win 8. Lenovo (formerly IBM

    PCs) is now the largest P C maker in the world.

  3. As I understand it, in those states which choose not to expand Medicaid, there will be a gap between that MAGI

    that allows you to qualify for Medicaid and the MAGI that allows you to qualify for health insurance thorough

    the ACA exchange. If your MAGI falls in this gap, then your only option would be a standard individual health

    insurance policy with no credits. There have been some articles written about this gap, if you want to google.

  4. Actually the ATX Community is up and running. I was just there. Last year I discovered purely by accident that ATX

    has subcontracted out the running of ATX Community, when I got redirected to another site which does that

    kind of stuff for different companies.

  5. It's amazing how much each ATX user's experience varies. I had to enter about 50 stock transactions on Form

    8949 yesterday and had slight delays between each data entry field (less than a second).

  6. My understanding is that Virginia filers will be able to use the federal exchange and will receive their credits.

    However any resident of a state that did not agree to expand Medicaid could fall in a gap where they don't

    have enough income to obtain coverage thru an Affordable Care Act Exchange and they won't be able to get

    on Medicaid.

  7. I've started doing more reading about the Affordable Care Act, since I'm getting more client questions.

    One thing that caught my attention, is that nonfilers will not be able to obtain any health insurance

    thru the exchanges. Their only option will be to try to obtain Medicaid.

    So, I'm wondering how many nonfilers will be filing returns in order to obtain health insurance.

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