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Posts posted by neilbrink

  1. Client was receiving disability checks from an insurance company until he was accepted for disability benefits from social security. Social security made the benefits retroactive and paid back payments to my client. My client then had to repay the insurance company in 2012 for benefits that he received in 2011. The benfits were already included on his 2011 return. The letter from the insuance company implied that since he made the payment for back pay in 2012, they amount should be considered on the 2012 tax return. However, since the amount was taxed in 2011, should the 2011 return be amended with the amount paid back be included for 2011?


  2. I still do not have this resolved. I have deleted and refiled 12 times now. Here is the latest Reject code description:

    "The XML data has failed schema validation. cvc.complex-type.2.4.d. Invalid content was found starting with element 'Explanation'. No child element is expected at this point." "/efile:Return{1}/efile:ReturnData{1}/efile:DepreciationComputation{1}/efile:Explanation{2} Value:

    Any ideas?
  3. I still do not have this resolved. I have deleted and refiled 12 times now. Here is the latest Reject code description:

    "The SML data has failed schema validation. cvc.complex-type.2.4.d. Invalid content was found starting with element 'Explanation'. No child element is expected at this point." "/efile:Return{1}/efile:ReturnData{1}/efile:DepreciationComputation{1}/efile:Explanation{2} Value:

    Any ideas?
  4. Client died in 2010. She had been receiving contract sale payments from her son for a farm that he had purchased from her many years ago. Cost basis was established at that time. The son decided to buy outright the farm from the heirs. In calculating the tax liability of the heirs, each would have a tax liability based upon the cost basis that was determined at the time of the original contract agreement. Since this was farmland, this information would go on Form 4797. Does anyone see anything that is not correct in this statement?

  5. I have just completed a return for a farmer who has 2/3 of his gross income from farming. I have marked the box on the "Filers Info" page accordingly, and the individual is planning on fiiing and paying by the March 1 deadline, but the program is still applying a penalty for late payment. How do I get the program to acknowledge that there should be no penalty, or am I missing something?

  6. I am completing an initial and final 1041 for calander year 2001. Descedent died in January, 2011 and the estate had very little income. Some interest income and a house sold with a stepped-up value. With the attorney and tax preparer fees, the expense deductions are greater than the income, therefore no taxes due on the return. Do I still need to complete K-1s for the beneficiaries of the estate on the income that was earned, pass on the net loss to the beneficiaries, or not complete any K-1s because the estate had no taxes due?

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