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  1. Hi, I e-mailed Lisa to see if she modified her booklet after the new rev proc's were issued and her e-mail response was that they felt it did not need to be changed. Hope this helps.
  2. Naveen, I'm so sorry for your trials at this time, and words are so inadequate, but you have the support of all on this board. Praying for you and your wife. Take care.
  3. Yes, I do! But, I tackled one return I dreaded on Saturday night. I knew it would take some time, and they were going on extension, but had to figure if they owed tax on federal or state level. Unfortunately, missing info on a house sale is not complete, so I'm waiting for that info, which will have a definite bearing on the final results. Anyway, one return I've been dreading, now on extension.
  4. Wow, thanks so much for everyone's responses. I'm on a stand alone, all by myself, computer, so network issues wouldn't be an issue for me. I really liked ATX, just couldn't wait forever for a simple return to open, since I have a full-time job, and prepare taxes as a sideline. Again, thanks everyone!
  5. I'm new to this forum. Just wondering if everyone is happy with the 2013 ATX tax software. I had used ATX over 9 years, but when they had the issues in the 2012 tax year, I went with another vendor. I'm really on the fence, and would probably come back to ATX as long as the issues are fixed. I'm running a computer with Windows 8, if that has any bearing on answers given. Even though I'm a newby to this forum (never knew it even existed until ATX had their issues), I would sincerely appreciate any assistance/advise you would give me. Thanks, and have a great day.
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