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Posts posted by mcb39


    Are you using the 8917 for line 34 or the 8863 for line 49? It makes a difference. I would not try it until the date and time that the IRS says they will be accepting it.

  2. I agree. But you really do need to upgrade from dial up. Whew.

    Kentucky passed a ludicrous tax reform law a couple of years ago (only to revert back after 2 years). There were a lot of new forms and form changes. I've only used ATX and they were late getting a lot of forms ready. I don't know if other programs were faster, but I realized these things happen. Good luck to all the MN people. Hopefully, it'll be smooth from here on out.

    As I have stated many times before, nothing else is available to me at the present time. I live in a small rural pocket that has DSL and Cable all around us; but not available here. We are working on it, but actually, most of the time I am fine with my accelerated dialup. And, Satellite is NOT an option..... :)

  3. Often, if the itemized deductions are not much more than the standard deduction, you do not have to claim the entire state tax refund in the following year. Someone above was correct when they told you to "jump to" the worksheet for line 10. It is definitely NOT the difference between the state tax and the sales tax.

  4. You people are lucky and more power to you. But imagine you were trying to e-file MN returns...Yesterday was our first day and that was after being told on Wed to start e filing and ALL were rejected so we had to re-create them all. Frustration has to be vented somewhere and who better understands our frustration?

    Thank you again for this forum. After this past week I have made another donation to our cause. I couldn't have made it thru this past week alone! So if things are going well with you, enjoy as some of us aren't as lucky and this board is just not for friendly words but words of advice and support. If it doesn't apply to you, ignore it. This is for sure my last year with ATX/Taxwise?CCH. I only hope I make it thru this year...which started yesterday. I can only imagine what Monday will bring with the filing of the 5 forms beginning.

    Everyone here knows how you feel. There were years when WI e-file was not ready until nearly Mar 1. I had to do the Fed and file it through the program and go to the WI DOR website and file the state on WI Free File. There were many years when I worked for another Accountant who used ProSeries and there were always problems and holdups. I also have MN returns waiting to file as I have MN clients as well as WI clients who have to file MN because their employers did not follow the reciprocity rules. Many times we have to work around things. We have a long season ahead of us and this is the place to find the fixes and workarounds. Vent if you must and, of course, we all understand.

  5. I read either this morning or yesterday that the Form 8863 for education credits is now approved for filing. Does anyone have any idea when it will be available from ATX? I updated this morning after reading the informatin but it still isn't available through ATX.

    When I e-filed my last 4 returns for today, a message came back from ATX saying that the IRS will begin accepting returns containing the five forms in question, on the evening drain (6 PM local) of Feb 11, 2008.

    The software will begin allowing the creation of e-files with these forms the morning of the 11th. We ask that you withhold transmitting affected returns until after the morning drain (11 AM) at your respective service center where your return will be filed. Returns transmitted before the evening drain will be rejected by IRS. Additionally, due to projected volume, IRS is anticipating acks will be delayed by 11 to 12 hours during the first week of AMT-allowed return filing.

  6. This may be ill-timed and unnecessary, but with 9 ATX icons on my desktop, going back to 1999; I have to say to all the complainers that my program has never run smoother or more correctly than this year. Every day I find little tweaks that make things easier. The client letter is much more user friendly; the downloads are fast and flawless; even with my slow dialup and forms are opening automatically that you used to have to go after (ie 8880 for instance). After the first time, I have no trouble getting into My ATX, which doesn't mean that I like or condone the new login, but some things you just have to deal with. Did you know that you can still click on the "refund" box in the upper right hand corner to bring up the Tax Summary sheet for new clients. It is automatically rolling over for the the old clients.

    I cannot address the support issue because I have never had to call support more than once in a single year. I had my call early on this year in regard to login and was assisted quickly and politely. Other than that, my "support" has always been this Community board and the KB in that order. Kudos to ERC for bringing us all back together and keeping us here. We cannot thank you enough.

    If this is ATX's last year, it is a good one. If they go down, I probably will too as I cannot afford more expensive software with my one person in home office. This would, indeed, be unfortunate for my growing client base.

    I just want to add to KC's request that the bickering stop, the slurs stop and some of the borderline language should maybe stop also. Let's try to get along, let's try to help each other and let's hope for better days to come; while at the same time appreciating what we have NOW>...... :rolleyes:

  7. When I e-filed my last 4 returns for today, a message came back from ATX saying that the IRS will begin accepting returns containing the five forms in question, on the evening drain (6 PM local) of Feb 11, 2008.

    The software will begin allowing the creation of e-files with these forms the morning of the 11th. We ask that you withhold transmitting affected returns until after the morning drain (11 AM) at your respective service center where your return will be filed. Returns transmitted before the evening drain will be rejected by IRS. Additionally, due to projected volume, IRS is anticipating acks will be delayed by 11 to 12 hours during the first week of AMT-allowed return filing.

  8. How can they base it on 2007 when many people will not have filed by then (ie; extensions as mentioned above). How about the people who get a child or children every other year.? IMO, this is totally crazy. I told a client yesterday that this may just be a loan against next year"s Return and she said "Really?"

  9. >>It is definitely NOT ATX, but IRS.....<<

    No, it's ATX. I have previously posted that the enhanced productivity of high end software is worth the extra price. Lacerte has had all five AMT-affected forms fully functional since January 9th. Of course they can't be filed yet, but everything is checked and printed and signed and we move on to the next one.

    ATX has the forms available and can be calculated and printed. They just cannot be filed....

  10. They are here in Central WI. Actually, Miss Liberty is a guy and they get $6.50 per hour to stand out there and look like a fool. I waved at one today. They alternate between Miss Liberty and Uncle Sam. They also had some issues here about distracting drivers as they are located on an extremely busy street. Last Summer I got a letter from them wanting me to merge my business with theirs. But, I also got a letter from HRB wanting the same thing. Go figure......

  11. What is the process to efile a LLC filing as a partnership? Have not efiled ptship or corp before. WHen I clicked on added forms needed the 1065 efile form did not come up, said to check CD. Also last year I rec'd an 06 user's book. Can't find my 07, have I misplaced or did I get one? Don't remember, does anyone else have one and did it come with the CD or did you have to request it?

    I just updated my forms and checked a 1065 that I had efiled last year. That form is not available yet. However, the fact that you cannot file the 1065 yet does not prevent you from distributing K1s to the partners so that they are able to file their personal returns. After all, the 1065 is just an information return and I have already filed and had accepted returns for partners who received K1s from unfiled Partnerships. FWIW

  12. Unfortunately, we did not receive a users book this year. If you have been downloading and have all of your forms current, then the 1065 efile form is not yet ready for efile. I haven't tried it as I don't have a 1065 to the point of being ready to file yet.

  13. I know, some of you are tired of me posting here... I will try to keep my comments to myself from now on unless it is something I can specifically help with. It's hard though as I really have a strong feeling about this company as it's more like a family to me than anything else, otherwise don't you think I would have given up on it after not working there for 9 years?

    Why would anyone be tired of you posting here? You have offered a great deal of technical and practical support over the years. I hope that we are not going to start bickering and pointing fingers on this board as was done on the original ATX board. I also agree with the poster who said that we should be careful that we are not the ones who kill ATX.......

  14. I have a couple who adopted 3 special needs children in 2005....credit was 31890....and can be carried forward for five years. They will never use it up as they, then, had their own first natural child the same year in December. They went from no children to 4 children under age 10 in one year. They both work hard, but because of the exemptions and the child care and child tax credits, they zero out every year so far. This is one of the most "interesting" and heart warming returns that I have ever had the pleasure of preparing; especially since when they first came to me with the return, they had no idea or knowledge about any adoption credits being available. They receive no EIC because of their jobs, but are using the adoption credits to build an addition on their house. This one kind of makes up for all of the filers who give me grief.

  15. Actually, I have in front of me an ad for Saber from Accounting Technology, Feb, 1996 when I first started using the program. Has a picture of a very young Glynn and Steve along with the pyramid of forms and the roaring tiger (lion) at the top. It was always a wonderful program.......and still is. I have found it to be more fine tuned this year than ever before and am having no problems that I have not been able to solve on this board. It would be a terrible mistake to eradicate it. IMO

  16. I remember a couple of years when I entered the info in a spreadsheet that I wrote myself running on an Apple computer. I'd then write the results on the tax form (typed it for the really important clients). Then I got a PC with an HP laser printer and a special cartridge for the tax forms. I thought the thing was magic.

    And I also remember coming in to the tax office I worked in while I was still in college and stapling 3 sheets of each form together with carbon paper in between. I'd make up these sets between clients. Eventually we started buying the carbonless forms from Nelco and just using the hand-assembled carbon sets for the low-volume forms.

    My first big purchase was a copy machine, which was much deliberated. My husband said that I was crazy to spend all of that money and I said it would pay for itself. I proved it by putting a dime in a jar everytime I made a copy (still continue that practice as it became a habit) I was in heaven with that copy machine (probably a about late 80's or early 90's) No more carbon paper and the PRODUCTION...WOW!!!! I have moved on to computers and my business has paid for every piece of equipment I ever bought and he gets the hand-me-downs for his Auto Sales Business. One of those old pieces of equipment is that old Sharp copy machine which is still working great. This thread has been unreal.......

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