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Everything posted by mcb39

  1. Nope! I, for one, am not going there. In a big enough state of confusion without all that.
  2. I totally agree. I have never purchased an extended warranty on anything and my clients aren't going to accept the hike in fees for that reason.
  3. I found mine today in a Word Document.
  4. I saw today that mine ended up in a Word Document. Oh my! Just happened to be saving a PDF for a client and saw it there.
  5. Sweet Memories!!!!!!
  6. This happens from time to time. I agree with Abby. You have no choice other than to exit. Close down the program and restart your computer. Restart ATX.
  7. I am not talking about the code on the phone. I am referring to the long code that they give you and tell you to copy and save. It is to be used in case you ever do not have access to your phone.
  8. I tried "Paste" and it was not an option.
  9. This morning I installed the program onto my laptop as I said that I would. It went as smooth as apple pie and cheese. I now have three codes on my Google Authentication App. The third one clearly says "Laptop" without being told. Now for the dumb question. When you click copy on the setup authentication app, where does that copy go? Or, are you supposed to physically copy that code to paper? I didn't and I don't know where or what they are. Thanks guys. Where is Dennis when you need him?
  10. Not wanting to change the thread, but back in 1992 my first laser printer was a Lexmark and we had to fool it into thinking that it was an HP. Back on topic, Medlin was the first and only payroll program that I ever used. I still have the floppies to prove it. I no longer do payroll, but if I did, it would be Medlin all the way.
  11. I file the 1099s through ATX, but I mail the paper copies to whomever the client is creating them for. There are different options for printing them. I still use the ATX perforated forms and the window envelopes that match. Of course, the client pays for this service.
  12. I will try to install it on my laptop, maybe tomorrow. I intended to anyway. I will use the same phone because I have to. Will let you know what happens. This is strange., because my assistant was able to pair her phone to her computer and then to mine so has two different authenticators on her phone. Both computers are stand alone. It shouldn't matter if you have a desktop or a laptop, should it. Once again, I say that the phone is paired to the computer and not the program.
  13. Thank you. I will need that information shortly. This board is the absolute BEST.
  14. Now, you lost me or I have just worked too many hours already today. I will be like Scarlett O"Hara and "think about it tomorrow"!
  15. The only time I have ever had an exception was in a case where the taxpayer moved more than 50 miles because of his job. We did considerable research that year so if you have a situation, be sure to read up on those exceptions. I agree that Taxman's client is not entitled to the exception.
  16. Please see "authenticator app" which is the first subject at the top of this page. This subject has been reviewed a number of times.
  17. Did you keep your installation codes. I did. I would suggest reinstalling 2022 and see if that works for you.
  18. I cannot believe that you feel that way. Your assistance has been invaluable to me. Like others, I don't always agree, but I do bow to your knowledge and pass much of it on to my IT person. Please reconsider, if you have the time to spend with us.
  19. We are so fortunate to have each other. I could easily count on one hand the number of times I have had to call support and the first time I ever called, I was assisted by William Tasker. Remember him? Which, once again, reminds us of how much we all owe Eric.
  20. Why not just play fair? Why build up a name and then drag it through the mud. Taxpayers need a place to go for honest help?
  21. No. Your employee logs into your computer as usual, but uses their own phone to authenticate. Always remember that the phone is tied to the computer. Therefore, if the employee has an authenticater for a different computer, he/she will have a different one for your computer. Your phone doesn't enter into anyone else logging into your program on YOUR computer.
  22. Margaret, the login is the same as yours, but the second authenticator is different. Always remember that the phone is tied to the computer.
  23. Margaret, I do maintain an exclusive OIH in my "Home away from Home". I do take the expenses for OIH because I work on tax returns when I am there. However, those are the only expenses that I take, and those are subject to quite a small square footage. I might get slapped for that some day, but I do feel justified. I have an exclusive laptop for that location as well. It stays there when I leave unless I bring it home for IT to update. (No expense for him).
  24. Oh, Sara, we are going to miss you. I am torn as well and have piles of books I want to read, but there is something addictive about this work and I feel so strongly about helping others. Because my husband and son are a Partnership, I will have to continue with, at least, PPR if I do decide to sell my practise.
  25. Right on!!! I get at least one every year. They get a free dinner to go to a seminar and get talked into converting and never hear or understand the repercussions. It makes me so angry. On the other hand, I have the clients who call and ask how much they can withdraw without owing any tax. Those are the ones that heard what I said to them at some point. I never really have liked Roth IRAs and probably never will. Like you, my clientele is primarily middle America or lower. I only have a handful of fairly wealthy clients and they are trained to ask for advice before they make a move.
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