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Ray in Ohio

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Posts posted by Ray in Ohio

  1. Exporting the list to excel makes it easier to add the total "charges" etc from the "Accounts Recievable" tab of the Return manager. After exporting the list to excel, you can use "Auto Sum" and total is right there.

    But who's interested in those figures anyway!!!

  2. I really do need another tax preparer in the office. We were pretty well maxed out last year and the amount of new clients we have gotten so far this year will be putting us into some seriously long(er) days to get them all done by April 15th. My stack is bigger than it has ever been and I am already working 80 to 100 hours per week. Startin to get burned out and we aren't even close to the 15th yet. I hope to find someone by next tax season.

  3. I spent at least 20 minutes trying to figure it out too. And to make things worse.... that was just after I had gotten about 30 efile rejects for that stupid third party designee box. I had to fix and re-create and transmitt all those files. Then the very next file I work on I spent all that time trying to find that frikken little box to check.

    Lets just say I wasn't in the greatest mood last evening.

    But its all better today now, and tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ATX has now added a warning and won't let the efile be created unless all the required fields are filled in. As of now the fields are not automatically populated when the "yes" box is checked. But now we have something to look foward to. :D

  5. Both spouses have distributions from their HSA. Each got a 1099SA. On Form 8889 Part II it states that if filing jointly and both spouses have HSA distributions to fill out a separate Part II for each spouse.

    Well I have been trying to figure out where that separate part II is. I have opened a separate Form 8889 but there is no way of marking the second one as the spouse's 8889. On the 8889 worksheet there are two columns. If I enter the spouses info on the second column, it automatically reduces the amount on the first column.

    What am I missing?

    (or have I finally lost "it" totally?) :wacko:

  6. What is the update to the program expected to do? Automatically enter the required info if the "yes" box is checked? I hope, cause right now that is just another step to do in the return. And right now I need less steps, not more.

  7. Thanks MAS.

    It doesn't specifically address my situation. The taxpayers moved into the home in July. The IRS classifies that date as the "purchase" date. They meet all the other requirements, other than the land was purchased from a relative and I don't know if that also disqualifies the cost of building the house.

    Any others?

  8. Taxpayers bought vacant land from spouse's parents. They then proceeded to built a new home on this land. They moved into this new house in July 2009. I am unable to find anything on the IRS website regarding this type of situation. Wouldn't the cost of the construction of the new house qualify for the First Time Home buyers credit? I would not include the cost of the land, but I am thinking the cost of the new house would/should qualify.

    If anyone knows anything further on this, I would appreciate any input. Thanks!

  9. >>How? <<

    Oh, well, I can think of a number of ways to "get the money" without filing a return. Amending the prior year is so obvious it doesn't even count as thinking. By how about taking a lesson from the IRS itself: reduce withholding by the credit amount so one gets the money in the paycheck? Or why not let a co-buyer claim 100% of the credit on an early return, and then share? (That method is suggested by the IRS itself.) Or, in the normal course of events one would calculate the credit at the time of filing an extension, and so could pay oneself the $8500 that would otherwise be sent to the IRS. There might also be non-tax methods to financially benefit from the credit, such as in a loan app or other transaction using cash expectations.

    Of course, no one could use all of these techniques without considering other factors. But with appropriate planning for the credit, the money is indeed available separately from the actual tax return filing.

    OK.... answers make sense. Guess I wasn't thinking out of the box enough.

    (but, how do you "amend a prior year's return" without "FILING" an Amended Return?? )

  10. I have never e-filed the partnership Form 1065. What signature form is required? Do most of you e-file these returns? I used to only do a few, but every year I pick up some more and it would be so much easier just to e-file them. Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    (Going on vacation tomorrow!!! wooohooo) B) Yeah, I'll have to make up for lost time when we get back in 10 days. :blink:

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