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Tax Prep by Deb

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Posts posted by Tax Prep by Deb

  1. Deb...so sorry to hear about your Dad. Some of us can relate very well and understand. Tax Progams aside; keep your chin up.....one day at a time.

    Thanks for your thoughts! I literally have to take it a day at a time. My dad and mom had been married for 50 years, so as you can imagine she is having a rough time, so I'm not able to work as much as I should, but right now her emotional support is the most important thing I can do. My hopes is that this tax season I can involve her as much as possible. We share a home together so hopefully I can keep her busy in my office. My dad and I had built up about 200 clients, and although I was able to handle everything on my own last year, due to the fact he was in the hospital and recovering for most of the tax season, it's very difficult to give the kind of quality care that I have built my business on. I would consider dropping some clients, however now I am the sole provider with the exception of the small social security she receives. So only time will tell.


  2. Look at me smile! :rolleyes: I bought IntelliTax/OrrTax for $299 for next year (thru TRX) and now presumably will get TaxWise!


    Are you genuinely happy or is your smile your attempt to keep a positive attitude? I felt that IntelliTax price was too good to be true, watched the board for some of the reviews and was almost ready to move myself, but do to circumstances decided to stay one more year with ATX renewed to get my discount and lock in my price and now I'm glad I did. TaxWise might be an OK program but I really did not want the added stress of having to learn a new program. As it turned out my world was turned upside down last month with my dad passing away unexpectedly and besides being my dad, best friend, he was also my greatest guy Friday. He literally ran my office for me during tax season. So I really do not want to have to learn anything new this year. I'm hoping for an extremely easy year! Haha Haha!


  3. As already stated it is no longer required to get approval from California. If you are accepted with IRS you are accepted with them.

    I also was able to e-file to Oregon and New Mexico also without having to appply. So it looks like for the most part that IRS e-file registration is pretty much all that is needed.


  4. That's why this forum is so great. Usually by the time I post a question I have exhausted all avenues, but it seems like I know more and post and then find the answer.

    I have been helped many times, so it brings me great honor to pass on some useful info!


  5. Thanks for the info!

    I was hoping that someone would use their service and then report back. So far so good for me. My computer is 5 years old and still functioning as when I first got it. But I know it's days are numbered.


  6. Thanks KC.

    I was actually able to find the answer to my question right after posting. I was cautious because of the EIC, but found a publication on IRS' web site that addressed our exact situation. I will be using the social security number and my clients seem to qualify for all the credits because of the social security number.

    Thanks again for responding.

    For those who would like to see the info I will try and link it for you!


    I was specifically referring to rule 2. It states that if you do not have a social security number, but now qualify for one, you have two options, file and extension, file and then ammend when number arrives. We extended the return. So it seems like all is a go!


  7. I have a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

    I have a client who for 2006 I filed as Head of Household. He got married to the mother of his children in 2007 and they have been in the process of getting her a social security number (she does have an ITIN). We filed an extension on his return and now just this week they recieved her social security number.

    Which number do I use on the return? The social security # or the ITIN#? Abviously it will make a difference because of the earned income credit as well as stimulas ect.....

    I would be very appreciative if any replies could direct me to some source documentation. This couple could diffently use the credit, however I do not want to do anything that might disqualify them for future years.

    Your thoughts are always appreciated!


  8. I have never been to interested in sports, but living within ear shot of a Fresno radio station, I was tuned in to the game tonight and I was so excited. It's good to finally see Fresno put on the map in a good way. They have a team that it seems everyone locally gets behind!

    Way to go DOGS!!!!!

  9. I had that problem a couple of years ago and tech support had me move the ATX file on the server to a folder at the beginning the of the c drive. This moved it way up on the chain and so it required the workstation less time and effort to find the program.

    I still had the problem, but the speed was enhanced. Someone had also suggested clearing the temp files, which we did, also run a program to check and see if any programs had been installed, (without my knowledge) and clean them up. When we did the above recommendations, we noted an increase in the speed and performance.

    Each year it seems to be getting a little better, although I have not changed anything on my workstation. I've been using the same computers for the last 4 1/2 years.

    Hope this helps!


  10. That's Why I Love This Board!!!

    Everyone is eager to help even with non-tax issues. Some of my greatest computer fixes have come from this board as well as the old community.

    My opinion however, is that everyone is soooooo much more helpful on this board than on the previous one.


  11. Same Here!

    I haven't renewed and probably won't till towards the end of the year. I agree the discounts aren't nearly enough to warrant them using my money, and then at the last minute make some other dumb move. I'm going to sit and watch. At the same time however I am looking for a replacement and am very much interested and excited about what you may come up with!


  12. I also tried to head it off by taking a few minutes when my clients came to pick up their returns to explain to them what would be taking place, including how they personally would be receiving the payment (electronically or paper).

    Inspite of this I too receive at least one or two calls a day asking the same questions that I had already explained!

    The real solice of this however came from one of my clients this morning, who after I explained it to her stated, see that's why I love having you do our taxes!

    It made my day!


  13. I find it equally interesting that people would choose to leave themselves with no viable options or put themselves in a position of having to make a hasty decision if something blows up on them. Especially when they are dealing with a company that sends the mixed signals we have been getting over the past year and a half. To each his own.


    Well said! If I have to learn a new program I would rather do it now when I still have a few returns left to finish under no deadline stress, than to wait until December only to find that the program I was expecting has been changed significantly.

    Keep in mind that they promise us ATX but what if they substitue their other program and just name it ATX? Really what's in a name?

    Just my two cents worth!


  14. Does anyone know of TRX is networkable? I have two computers that are currently networked and I have used ATX networked for several years. Everything I have heard about TRX sounds appealing, except I have not been able to determine if it will work on a network or if I have to purchase two programs. If I have to purchase two programs I'm not any better off price wise than with ATX, however the support sounds much better.

    Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


  15. I still have a few extension that have not been ACKed...anybody else experirncing this?

    Same here!

    I just e-mailed tech to see what kind of an answer I could get. According to MYAtx all acknowledgements have been received and posted to our mailboxes, but if that's the case I have three files that are lost somewhere!


  16. Is that what it is?

    I was wondering what stress was! (hahahaha)

    Today has felt soooooo good. I actually got through a complete meal without the phone ringing, or somebody coming to pickup or drop off!

    It's so good to finally have a life again!

    I hope all is well with everyone and that they have a wonderful rest of the year.



    I have never looked forward to April 15th so much in my life! I can't believe it's finally here!

    I too want to take a minute to thank everyone for such a wonderful community. I am a one person office, and it is so good to have others to bounce ideas and opinions off of!

    Every year I feel like I learn more and more and much of it is because everyone is kind enough to share their knowledge.

    Again thanks everyone and may you have a wonderful rest of the year!


  18. I can only predict one thing! ATX lost it this year and as far as am I concerned is not even a contender for next year. Today was an absolute nightmare!

    I didn't like the idea of learning a new software, however I feel that is exactly what I've had to do this year! ATX did not perform as well as they had in the past, and that is a crying shame!

    The post card everyone is talking about TaxRefund Express is looking very inviting, but I too have faith that Mel will get something going. I'm very much interested in what he may be able to offer, but not the least bit interested in going through another year with ATX!

    That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it!


  19. I had a similar year. Early in January thru all of February I was slammed, there was a brief slow down in March, but slammed this past week. I also filed more extensions than ever, unfortunately most of them because I was waiting for one piece of info! You think people could stop for one minute and get me that one piece of info, but noooooo!

    I also will be sticking around. Last year on the other community I missed checking one day and poof!!!!! it was gone. So I'm checking in daily!


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