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Lion EA

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Posts posted by Lion EA

  1. I don't know. I spent hours on hold with the IRS this morning, only to be transferred to another recording "high call volume" that told me to go away and hung up on me. Then after more time on hold, was told they posted my client's payment 11 June but still sent him a letter 30 June telling him to pay with penalty and interest. The P&I credit is "pending" and will take another three weeks to be reversed. Idiots. But, any of the above would work for me.

  2. Save and speedy move. Will you have a home office all tricked out like Alfred's corner of the Bat Cave? Or, renting commercial space? Big change. What made you decide? The best of luck at your new digs. (I grew up 15 miles west of the Loop; I still miss Chicago.)

  3. I don't bear the brunt of the blame for what went before me, if it sounds reasonable to me. But, the client will blame me for what goes wrong with a return that I prepared if he gets an IRS letter. And, more important, it costs me TIME to fix the problem. Time that I often cannot bill the client if he cannot see the dividing line between me and the IRS. Time that I can avoid, along with the additional time and supplies cost of paper file, if I go one step further with the return. And that step doesn't even cost me time; in fact it saves me time. First year on my own, but I e-filed individual returns and extensions. Next year, I'll get braver and e-file entities. I did e-file entity extensions this year to test the waters. So fast.

  4. If he's up to date on a qualified installment agreement and everything works right, then he and you get his refund. If not, the IRS will take his refund up to the amount they're due. The worst that will happen is you will have to chase him, and that's the way things are now if you don't try. So, nothing more to lose and earlier receipt to gain. Is he having direct debit for his installment agreement? Did you see his bank statements?

  5. Most all the IRS letters I've dealt with were on paper-filed returns where a data entry error occurred on the IRS end. The ES payments entered on the WH line, so the refund is held up asking for additional copies of her 1099-Rs while we guess at the problem. The HOH that was coded as S but the letter went out claiming a miscalculation on her 4797. We painstakingly had to recreate everything on her 4797 and her E and provide backup and again guess at the real problem. Way too time consuming when e-file would've avoided that type of thing. Not to mention the time and expense to print, assemble, etc., the extra copies of the returns, envelopes. And, if I have to mail to client -- well the package is twice as heavy and now time-sensitive since they have to receive it in time to sign and mail to governments by the deadline. (When it's just client copies, they can pick up whenever they want; or at least, I can wait to mail them until I'm less busy.) And, on and on. I too like the control of e-file. I don't like to turn over all my hard work to some seasonal data entry clerk working the overnight shift plugged in to her iPod.

  6. On my screen, down in the lower right corner, above the time, is a circle with the Firefox symbol. When I left click on it, it turns into an IE symbol and puts the current screen in Internet Explorer instead of Firefox. When I mouse over the circle, it gives instructions to do three different actions. Now, my husband has a lot of Firefox add-ons and refers to it as an IE tab that I think appears across the top with the other tabs.

  7. I use FireFox. Sometimes it doesn't play well with programs designed for IE. Then, the screen looks really funny, and I use the IE button within FireFox. After a few hours or a few days, I can use this and other boards under FireFox again. I don't know what happens, but it's resolved itself each time so far. Right now, I happen to be in IE since things started acting up earlier today.

  8. I might view a webinar next week. Then I might have answers to your questions! Basically, it's for tax planning. Load in this year's tax return as scenario one and do what-ifs. I think federal only is a couple (few) hundred dollars, with states more like $900. Since it can plan out many (20?) years, I'm hoping it's a one-time purchase and not annual. But, I don't know.

  9. If anyone is using CCH's Profit Driver or thinking of upgrading or adding all states or just purchasing it...it will be discontinued 15 July. Probably to be reincarnated under another name and higher price. Support will continue, though. On a related note, CCH's fiscal year ends 30 June. Other budget decisions may go into effect then.

  10. They were building the computer center after I started college in 1965. Had to have strong foundations and building (no tremors) and temperature controlled computer room. We used the keypunch machines and handed our pack of cards through a window, returning in three days for our printouts. Fortran and Fast Fortran. A sorority sister working for the business department used C as well. Took a few computer courses but was not a computer science major, so got no special privileges (couldn't get inside the air conditioned areas!). I still miss DOS where you were in charge of the commands, not some intermediary Windows. Type dir and see where things are, what's missing, etc. Now programs install other programs, mess with your registry, etc., and I'm in over my head tracking down a problem.

  11. Anybody going to the IRS conference in Las Vegas? NYC? I could take the train into NYC each day, but by the time I pay for parking and train and get up before dawn... The Las Vegas hotel is the cheapest. Are they worth three days out of your life? Are the instructors any good?

  12. I just remember that it was an acronym for something HAL 9000 or something in full?

    I had my dot matrix printer until I needed to print resumes and finally purchased an HP LaserJet 4L that I still have printing (not tax returns, too slow for that) but still beautiful print and all I've ever done is replace rollers once.

  13. I remember all of that. I guess I'm old. My first computer had no hard drive, but I was thrilled that it had two floppy drives so I could copy or use both program and data disks without swapping floppies! And, the monotone monitor. My ex-husband lugged both back from Singapore. No copyright laws, so lots of software on floppies.

  14. It seems like so long ago that I'm foggy on the details, but I had a choice of the IRS e-mailing my clients or e-mailing ME on behalf of my clients when their returns are accepted. I chose ME and am glad I did, because the IRS e-mail seems a bit overwhelming with lots of info like what if you need to amend or have a bank product or.... So, I forward the IRS e-mail to my clients with my own brief note at the beginning telling them their return was accepted by the IRS on DATE as acknowledged in the email forwarded below and that the state(s) accepted on DATE(S) but do not send out a separate acknowledgment. I thank them for continuing to use me and remind them to contact me anytime blah blah. I've actually gotten a few thank yous from clients for following up.

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