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Virtual Managed Solutions

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Posts posted by Virtual Managed Solutions

  1. My mom wants to claim my brother on her and my Dad's tax return, but is unsure if she can. He is 18, has lived with them for the full year, but he had made income during the year. It wasn't much, but it was around $4,000. Is it true that if he makes over $3,500 that he cannot be claimed as a dependent?

  2. I've got to admit something -

    I was just commenting to my boss about Monday mornings, how I hate them, don't want to be a part of them, wish we could skip Mondays altogether. Then I read this post and others like "Pet Peeves." I must admit, I have it easy compared to you guys and I really have no reason to complain. When I read posts like these, it makes me want to do something to make it better for you, create an easier way for you to get your returns done, a site that brings everything together. It's been on my mind for a long time, but I just don't know where to start. Hopefully, instead of complaining about today, I should start thinking for tomorrow.

  3. >>yapping about the 'good old days'<<

    Now that I am older I know the good old days were not a year or era, rather they were when we were innocent.

    Wow, that's a great look at it Jack. I've never heard it described this way before, but that really hit home. I love it!

  4. It's because of the ATX program that it's slow. I can't remember exactly what happens in the printing process, but if my memory serves me correctly, ATX changes the forms to a .PDF type (or something like that) attachment when printing. This makes the file larger, quality becomes higher, resources become higher, etc. So in order to do that it slows the printing down. Whereas, other programs do not do that and they are normal printing speeds.

  5. I cannot find any articles on this, but I'm pretty sure she can still efile. You may still want to wait for other responses, but I don't think it matters if it's the first time or not. I've also asked a couple of people around here and they feel the same way.

  6. Well, they must, because I got my manly-self into it. I'd let you try it on, but I'm afraid it'd mess your makeup and then I'd have to listen to you whine about it all day.

    As a side note: Someone needs to tell him to stop making kissy faces at me. It's becoming more frequent.

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