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Virtual Managed Solutions

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Posts posted by Virtual Managed Solutions

  1. And it's crazy how the differences in amounts for EIC are so drastic. For example, if I were to qualify for EIC filing HOH - myself as dependent I'd get around $200 if that. If I were to have a kid I'd be looking at $2,700! It makes me wonder how they come up with those amounts and what is their basis to determine that?

  2. Out of curiosity, how much is the membership fee to join the NATP and do you have to be an EA or CPA to become a member? What are the benefits of being a member, other than the obvious? (ie). Being able to include that in your list of credentials, business card decoration, just being recognized as a member, meeting new people and etc.

  3. I know of families around my area who their kids don't have much. They live in filth, parents are never home, food cabinets are always at a bare minimum and I'd imagine they've never gone to a good restaurant unless you count McDonald's, let alone ever gone on a vacation with their family. I believe EIC is there to do all these such things. It gives qualifying parents the ability to do these things that they normally wouldn't be able to provide. Instead, their greed takes over and they spend it on themselves. Buy brand new clothes, their children are wearing raggedy hand me downs, when they don't even have a proper coat for the weather that we are now experiencing. They can never play outside, because they don't have boots rugged enough for the extreme condition, but yet their mom throws parties every night with all her friends who are only her friends, because she has that extra $5,000 from EIC. After a week that's almost gone and so are the "friends," now she's left with kids who were no better off then when the EIC was received.

    I understand that's the difference between good parents who spend the EIC wisely and use it to benefit their families. But, everyone is different, and in my area that is what's happening to this extra money. It doesn't go to any good. Can't really say it's being abused, because they do qualify and the tax code is there, but it definitely going to waste and it isn't hurting anyone but the children.

  4. $5,000 sure does make me think about having a kid.

    It's sad to see all the people that I grew up with, most of whom even younger than me, having 2, 3 kids already and abusing the system having everyone else pay their way in this life. Lieing about money earned to get welfare, food stamps then going to places like HRB with their W2's the day they come in the mail, getting instant RAL's with EIC and bringing home $6000+ when I work for a living and lucky to get $1200 back in taxes. Saddest part of all, is that they do go out and buy those flat screens from WalMart and the kids who need the money most, never see anything from it. They don't even benefit from the EIC, which IMO was set up to benefit them most.

    Actually, now that I reread this statement it makes me glad I am the way I am and that I only know these people as my past.

  5. @taxguy057 - I think it wouldn't hurt. I know when I personally hear about a business I always research them online first. Even when I'm trying to find a phone number for anyone, I always search the web. Plus, if you wanted to advertise locally, you could always put your web address right into the ad and it gives everyone a chance to do their research before hand. The web is the future and I feel that futurally (my new made-up word of the day) everything, even taxes, will all be web based at some point. The way the world is going now-a-days, it only makes sense.

  6. @BulldogTom - Long replies wanted. Thanks for all that info. I like hearing about everyone's stories as I am still undecided where to take my qualifications / profession next. They are all helping.

    @Lion - I was looking at the Gleim website this morning and got side tracked with other things. This is definitely something I'm going to look into further. On-line classes, exams, instructors would be the best way to go for me right now anyway.

  7. @taxguy057 - Have you ever thought of creating a website? I used to dabble in web design, but have strayed away as I got too busy with other things. I am starting to inch my way back into it as there is a need for it with some customers right now. We have a guy that we contract to do it right now, but I'd love to be able to step in and do that on the side. I think no matter what I decide to do in this field it would always be good to have those certifications behind me as it would help relate.

    Anyway, what I was getting at was starting a website to promote your business. Once that's done, there are lots of avenues for marketing and having a website makes it a little easier for prospective clients to find you. Just a thought. What do you think?

  8. @gailtaxed - That does. I've been in this arena for so long now, that it just feels right to continue with it in some way. I'd love to have these certifications, and not only to prepare taxes, but to come up with ideas to help the profession.

  9. Are there any of you who have regrets about becoming a tax preparer? In other words, if you could do it all over again, would you have picked a different profession? IME, of helping out tax professionals over the years, it seems stressful, fast paced and it's either a keep up or get out mentality. I love that atmosphere and would want to try it myself, but I want to read first hand experiences and any negative things about the profession to give me a better understanding. Thanks guys!

    @David1980 - That helped a lot. Thanks for the response.

  10. So, I'm gathering in all this information (which I find very useful, BTW) and I'm coming to the conclusion that you don't need to go back to college to get your EA or CPA credentials? How does one get started in becoming an EA? I saw the link above to the Gleim website and I'm going to check that out, but if anyone else could offer more advice on where to start, I'd appreciate it. What are some of your battle stories - what made you want to get into taxes? What are the ups and downs of being an EA/CPA?

  11. Do you guys have any employees well versed in Mac & PC issues, such as using Parallels on a Mac to run PC programs? I have a client that just went that route, but the PC support says they can't deal with their programs on a Mac and Mac support says they can't deal with Parallels -- which they sold. He's taking a course and learning many tips and tricks and work arounds, but can't move some of his sent mail in Outlook onto his Mac. He's also trying to be able to send documents, slide shows, etc., that he creates on the Mac to potential clients no matter what they computer they use.

    Unfortunately at this time, we do not support Mac PC's either, but that is not to say we don't have anyone who may know how to do that. I'll check with a couple techs here to see if they have any experience with what you mentioned. Either way, I'll let you know. Thanks Lion!

  12. @cientax - I was on hold for 32 minutes this morning when I called. Hold in there, they'll answer shortly.

    @TRX President - Could you also reply to the email I sent you last week and / or my message I left with Chris today who passed it along to Dustin? There is something I would really love to speak with you about.

  13. I find this to be very wrong! BulldogTom brought up a good point in an earlier discussion though - wait until the news programs get a hold of that mother of 3 barely able to survive as it is and now California is with holding money / food from her children. That will stir up an out cry.

  14. That's not really my style. How about if I just whip up a blueberry cobbler and spend the afternoon in the park listening to Patty Griffin and reading Stephen King?

    Blueberry cobbler isn't bad, but I'd prefer a clam bake / lobster feed. At least Stephen Kind is smart enough only to have a vacation home here and goes elsewhere to miss out on the freezing temps.

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