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Online Check Printing.


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We offer RAL's to our customers using ATX. To print checks we are directed to a Taxwise website. You must configure your printer before being allowed to print checks. When selecting the printer drop down box nothing appears. We worked with support all day yesterday and they were not able to help. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?


Glenn Mahan

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We offer RAL's to our customers using ATX. To print checks we are directed to a Taxwise website. You must configure your printer before being allowed to print checks. When selecting the printer drop down box nothing appears. We worked with support all day yesterday and they were not able to help. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?


Glenn Mahan

Try this, go to print checks, click help, click the' little book" beside online printing,click configure printer, i think this is the way I had to do it, hope this helps

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I had a difficult time with this too, for a number of reasons. It was solved after a half-hour on the phone with a very helpful gentleman named Billy, who didn't know the answers, but took the time to find them for me.

As I recall, the menus didn't work properly because I didn't have a credit card number on file with them. I don't remember whether that was all it took to get the printer configuration menu to open. I wish I could tell you what was required, but there were three or four things that had to be changed before it would let me print checks.


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I've used ATX since TY 2001. I have gone several of those years without calling tech support from ATX. Anyone who was reading the community forums knows I used to spend several hours a day there, mostly solving other people's problems.

I could do this because (besides my own lack of clients) whenever I had a problem, it had already been described, discussed and solved on the board. (Thanks largely to William, of course.) Since they closed it down in April, I've probably called tech support three times. I doubt I called them that many times in the previous five years.

This is the first year I did not renew early. I do not expect to renew early next year, either. I'm keeping my options open.


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On the menu bar in Internet Explorer go to Tools, Internet Options, Security, Custom Level - then enable all the ActiveX controls and plugins except for Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe. For that, choose prompt.

Also, Firefox is a great browser, but ATX doesn't support it so use only IE for ATX stuff.


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I noticed that, too. But Firefox has a nice little add-on called IE view (you can get it from the Mozilla site) that can be configured to direct particular urls directly to IE.


Also, Firefox is a great browser, but ATX doesn't support it so use only IE for ATX stuff.


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No, I didn't know. Thanks. :)

My business has grown some, and I have an outside job (that I'm on leave from during tax season), so I can't live on bulletin boards anymore, but I still check in when I can.

I'm glad you are here with us, Julie. By the way, are you aware that William is a member here, too?
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