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I haven't seen a "lock" feature. But if you open the return after the efile is acceped, it does warn you that the return has been completed and asks if you want to edit it anyway. You have to click "yes" to even look at it. So no real way to pevent you from manking changes.


This bothers me too. I aways open up prior years returns when working on the current return.

TaxWorks was the best package IMO. Im hoping they can do a deal for us on the 2013 package. Anyone else in?


I'm curious what changes they made. I think I'll be testing lots of programs this summer. Whoever has a good price with a usable program wins.

Same here Kea. We all should discuss the various tax programs for 2013 on this board after this tax season ends.


Taxwise is still rough around the edges. If you look at the menu and functionality it appears that it started as a very basic program and then "stuff" was just added and they put it wherever there was place to put it. The printing and print sets in Taxworks was much more advanced. For example in taxwise you can not create a PDF with password?? You can not print forms by tagging them (you have to print one form at a time).


Thats' what I thought. Hopefullly it will continue to evolve which would be great at a discounted price. Personally I dont think its a $1000 product as it is. TaxWorks for the same price is far more advanced.

It will be interesting to compare ATX next year after (hopefully) if they have developed beyond the 2012 beta stage.


If you look in your crystal ball the tax prep software that will most likely be revamped to take advantage of new technology will be Taxwise and Drake. I can just see it! I just hope their timing is not foolish!!


Unlike Taxworks there is no locking feature in Taxwise so it is easy to change the return after it has been e-filed, though it will give you a warning that you are making changes to a return that has already been filed. A roundabout way to accomplish the locking feature is this:

1) Log in as Admin and create a new user called LOCKED and don't give it any rights to create or change return. Take every thing away exceptto view.

2) Then go to Utility Menu, Return Explorer and move the returns that have already been e-filed and you don't want any messing into that user called LOCKED.

3) If you want you can password protect LOCKED if you have more than one user in your office.

I am hoping you are using a password for user Admin because Admin will be able to access the LOCKED returns and move them around should you need to amend it later on.

It is a scenic route approach until Taxwise really should have a return locking feature???


Even if you dont change anything, i believe its possible that results could change due to updates processed after the return was filed.

Although I do like your idea Taxed.

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