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A Mind of Its Own


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Whenever I print a return to my PDF rendering software ATX, I select certain pages to print and others to not print (some of them I come back & print later to build my package in the specific order I want).

It prints all the pages I select but almost always prints a half dozen pages that I specifically de-selected. For example, it prints at least two copies of the billing invoice (one as the first page and another as the final page. It sometimes adds a third copy somewhere in the middle). Same with the Tax Summary page and a handful of others. It just seems to have a mind of its own. I've just gone in and deleted the unwanted pages but that can be a hassle (many of my returns have 40-80 pages of forms, schedules and worksheets).

Anyone else having this problem? Anyone know of a solution?

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The solution is Lacert. Proseries. Prosystemfx.

That was happening alot to me. I do know that when you don't hit the remember selections, it will print weird stuff. Also, when using the .pdf options, you have to use one of the other boxes, and sometimes you forget to check off the other box.

But yeah, weird stuff keeps happening in the print manager.


Hollister, CA

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My default printer is PDFactory. When I click on "Client Copy" and deselect Filing Copy, and deselect Billing Invoice, etc. I still get the stuff I didn't want. I've gone through on a number of occasions very carefully. It still does whatever it wants to do.

I'm glad to be back to ATX (vs what I had to endure the last two years) but I miss the old version. This version takes me about a third again longer to do a return than the old version did--mostly just from waiting for it to open/close forms, print, etc.

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The print manager always selects the billing invoice in the "federal copies for state" right at the end. It's easy to miss and it would NEVER be needed. If you select and the change the printer, you have to be wary of stuff like this rechecking. That's why you're getting another billing invoice at the end of the print. I nearly always print preview first even though it slows down things a lot.

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