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IRS e-services response

Terry D EA

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FYI - I did get a response from the e-services for my client that I posted earlier regarding the bogus claims on a CP2000 notice. The response was a waste of time. They said:

"If you do not agree with the CP2000 notice, you should send in the response section with your supporting documentation."

What the heck did I waste my time for? something told me all along to just send the stuff in to begin with. I guess I will just fax it, but then again, I won't have any type of receipt that is date stamped or proof of delivery. Oh well. off to the post office it is.

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You can print off a transmission receipt from the fax. I'd think that would be just as good as postal receipts. But it would be a good idea to call IRS in about 2-3 weeks to be sure it's being processed.

I'm doing that now with a response to a CP2000 I faxed in back in late May. I called on June 7 and again on June 13. RS still doesn't show it as being in process, but they are logging my calls in the client's file. They told me that after we reach to 30-day mark, if it still isn't in the system they'd have me re-fax it. In any event, the most important thing to do is NOT fax and then mail a hard copy - that can cause lots of headaches.

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Guest Taxed

Calling after sending the required documentation is the best way to make sure that IRS records show that you are not ignoring their request and trying to comply with it. That 30 day mark is critical. Until a client gets a no change letter we keep on requesting that.

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Faxing is better than mailing IMHO, with the transmission receipt. Cheaper too, and shows your first page and the number of pages that were sent. No way to use the 'empty envelope' defense I've heard of the IRS using.

How were you trying to resolve it through e-services? I've never tried to use account resolution.

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Joan I was simply trying to respond to the notice as was indicated in the e-services EAR section. I was hoping this would serve as a timely response even though we are well within the time frame. I didn't expect a resolution as I was pretty sure they would not take my word on anything and ask for the documents. I didn't expect to get directed to use another method. So, as you and John has suggested, the fax is the cheapest and maybe the best way and yes, I will call the priority line to follow-up as well.

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