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ERO vs Paid Preparer


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I was having a discussion with some people the other day about who a client belongs to is it the paid preparer(signer of return) or the ERO? Is it possible for someone to open an ERO business and have multiple preparers file under their EFIN. If one does that does the taxpayer technically become an asset of the ERO or would it remain with the paid preparer? 

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If you have multiple preparers, the clients belong to the ERO. Now, I have a partner that has the ERO credentials and I prepare all taxes. Some of the clients come because my partner works with them or are her friends. Some others come because they are my friends or I have worked with them in the past. Since my partner doesn't prepare taxes, I believe most of my clients would follow me.


My partner would not find another preparer because it is hard to find someone you can trust when you don't know what his is doing.

Edited by Pacun
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