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Cell Phones


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I got to thinking again. Sometimes that leads me to problems.

I have always assumed that the method of documenting the business use of any cell was minutes used - but I can't find anything to verify that. What I did find was that it is necessary to "document the business use" - but not anything specific as to HOW to do that - what method.

As I look over a recent cell phone bill, I find that MINUTES USED is 33% of total for business purposes. But when I track the number of CALLS MADE during the month, I find that to be 55% of the total number of calls made (inbound and outbound) for business purposes.

I realize consistency of method used is significant, but at January 1, this would seem a defining time to change the method. I suspect my CALLS MADE would be predominately business all year long, even if MINUTES USED was predominately personal (or at least other than business).


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My clients, have cellular phones because they need it for work. I tell them that the IRS will not allow them to expense the full bill, but I have read somewhere that auditors will allow half of the cost of cell phone service.

Let's say that you have an unlimited plan that costs you $80 monthly. In a year, the cost will be $960. Half of it will be $480. I don't think, the IRS will ask clients for detailed phone calls for 12 month from 2 years ago just to go through the business and personal calls. In any event, who will remember what calls were business or personal just by looking at numbers 2 years later. Let's say that the IRS checks the bills and realized that 40% were business calls. Then they will say, we are going to deduct $96 from your phone expenses.

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