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Posts posted by ETax847

  1. I have a new client and I am trying to enter his 2016 info into my 2016 software so I can roll the data over.  On page of form 8582, worksheet 1, column c, how do i enter in prior year's losses?  It won't let me modify the field and the wkst1 tab won't let my type into it.  Please help!

  2. Has anyone seen this provision:  "The conference report on the bill specifies that taxpayers cannot take a deduction in 2017 for prepaid 2018 state income taxes."?

    Are taxpayers still able to prepay their 2018 property taxes and still take the deduction in 2017?

  3. Anyone have clients that have traded Bitcoin during 2017?  From what I understand, Bitcoin exchanges will not be providing any sort of tax document.  Has anyone heard any different? Do we rely on our client's to self report their gains?

  4. Any advice on how I can make tax season work better.  In years past, I have set clients' tax appointment dates to come in or upload their documents to the Client Portal and they don't keep these appointment dates I set or bother calling to reschedule until they are ready to come in.  In other years I have put the language, "please call to schedule your appointment" and that hasn't worked either.  

    Any advice from those that have a tax season that flows as expected, and if so, what have you found to be most effective? Thanks!

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