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Posts posted by FDNY

  1. I can't remember which late night show it is but these type of (difficult) questions are asked on the street.  The answers really make you wonder if people are paying attention in school, or if they really care and would rather be texting, daydreaming, or maybe they have a learning disability, because there is really no other excuse for the ignorance.   They don't see the usefulness of what they should be learning in school.  Take algebra for instance, what possible use could there be for it in life they think.  I for one use it all the time in landscaping, personal financial decisions, cooking....the list goes on.   If a kid isn't made to realize early on it's better to work with your head than your back, they may be losing out.  Parents should listen to that song, and "teach your children well."

    In our field, many people can't even grasp  the basics when you try to explain the difference between a tax deduction and a credit.  There seems to be no computing or reasoning ability in the head for the average Joe.  A smart client makes our jobs so much easier.  

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, JohnH said:

      But having said all that, I can only think of a few very special situations in which someone should convert ALL their qualified money to Roth.   Any financial advisor or banker who gives that sort of advice is way out of line.

    Maybe the states should protect investors with regulation for Roth conversions like they do with annuity replacements.   While we add value to our tax prep with giving advice and suggestions, we can't be there when a broker, banker, or insurance agent calls trying to drum up business for themselves.  I've seen more than one traditional IRA converted to a Roth and put into an annuity.  One case was the clients' young broker son who sold his father an annuity (Roth conversion).  I had to explain to him what a poor financial planning move this was, it was too late.  I think he was just looking at the big commission.  Parents were not happy when they saw their tax return.   

    Best advice....like Rita said, just leave it alone.  

    • Like 5
  3. In addition to 9325, especially if you need a state acknowledgement  I've gone to e file manager, check the return, then from drop down click on acknowledgement  history.  It will bring up SS#, accepted status, Submission ID#, Jurisdiction, form #, and date and time.  

    • Like 7
  4. This was bugging me so while taking a break from my barbecue (guests are cleaning up, delegating is one of my strengths), I found it.  While in the return go to Tools > Billing Mgr > For This Return on upper left. 

    Gotta go, they should be done, cooks do have benefits, time for a cold one.

    • Like 1
  5. While my legal education does not extend past Perry Mason and Judge Judy, please don't take this as legal advice.  But I feel compelled to give my opinion as I had a similar experience with H and W shareholders and it makes me angry seeing someone try to take advantage of a friend for their own gain, which is what Books is trying to  (blaming you for his carelessness, ignorance, and greed).

    In my case I had all hard copies and notes, but as you say you had to make adjustments so wouldn't you be able to retrieve hard copies of the returns and amended returns if prepared?  From your synopsis it appears your memory is good so why not re create notes, and explanations, especially the reason for Pro not being able to deduct losses, from your knowledge of what Books was telling you and the continuous statements from Books of unreported loans and other items.  I don't think this is a violation of 230 as they are both questioning and answering the same situation, I don't see it as talking about one without the other's permission.

    I think your being prepared will show them they are barking up the wrong tree..  Getting a consultation from an attorney and speaking with your E&O will give you good preparation as to what you might expect and what you should do.

    Count me in for the drive by if needed, and let me know if you need me to call Brooklyn.  It's not you, it's them.

    Good luck,



    • Like 6
  6. Yes you can, I recently had a client call and it took some maneuvering and he was able to get to a person and he conferenced me in.   Not sure what he did but he had  to try with two calls, very frustrating.   This was for an issue I couldn't resolve on Hotline (they wanted an 8821 from me), was for a large refund stuck in processing.  



  7. Either that or she was expecting professional courtesy if audited.  

    Mind boggling seeing the scope and amounts of the deductions.  This can relate back to the Italian grandmother tribunal and common sense theories we discussed.   They are going to get big hugs and trips to the Leavenworth backyard courtesy of Uncle Sam.

    • Like 4
  8. My theory is that smart people will go there once, then realize they should have asked around.  Others may not be savvy enough to do a little research, understand what the big box shops are all about, and just think it is what it is, like everyone pays $500 for a 1040 and Sch A, and don't forget the state, that really brings the price up.

    • Like 2
  9. A former Tax Court judge has been indicted for tax evasion.  https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-united-states-tax-court-judge-and-husband-indicted-conspiracy-commit-tax-evasion-and

    What amazes me is how she and her husband could even think of deducting such expenses on their Sch C, Pilates lessons, Wine club fees, music lessons, and more.  Then they tried to cover it up for the audit.    You can't make this stuff up, no one would believe anyone could be so stupid. 

    • Like 8
  10. Now that we're on to hot coffee I would like to insert my two cents.  I do a lot of traveling during the off season, Boston to NY and back, but I drive in  the middle of the night to avoid traffic.  I like to start out with a hot cup of coffee that I buy at different locations early in the trip, usually around 2am.  Once I put the cup to my lips and it feels too hot, I wait awhile and try later.  For the woman winning a case against MickeyDs  more power to her, they were wrong in serving extremely hot coffee, but should not she be partially at fault.  Doesn't everyone check the coffee, or soup, or pizza before they dive in?  I don't know, but maybe Catherine's Nonna's thoughts should be something that has some basis here.  Common sense, such a rarity these days.

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  11. What a great off season post!  Catherine, my Nonna would say, you could buy education, but not common sense, first generation American taught me how to make a great marinara.  Mike, as an emigrant from Long Island, I remember the sweeter the soda, the more slices you would buy (Salerno's on Union Turnpike) , and they were the best!  Elrod, this is my wife's preference, the Coffee Queen, now everyone knows the recipe for the best iced coffee, you did a public service, summer is coming.

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  12. This link was very informative, helps us see how average we are.  The original post stated it was a new client, so in my business which is nearly all mail ins I should have mentioned I would  be spending some time on the phone getting to know the client (I know, I tend to talk too much, but I get too interested in my clients, for my own protection).  The phone contact I have with all clients (mostly routine) is something I don't figure into the price, unless it becomes time intensive. So with a new client, I wouldn't be giving out a bargain price, but I would be setting them up for reasonable pricing to keep them.  I have a high retention rate by being fair early on, they rarely get crazy on me for raising a little bit every year.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Randall said:

    Yes, but on the other hand, brokers can push these and they don't understand them anymore than the average person.  And of course, the industry got these laws passed thru to allow these things.  In the real sense, calling them 'partners' and receiving K-1s for this kind of thing seems absurd,  But as you said, the investor should look into these things more closely.

    All the brokers see is the 10% commission.  Investor is in the dark unless he asks, but they rarely do.

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