Husband and wife have a dozen rental properties and each property is a separate LLC with husband and wife as members. Is there any authority for reporting these rentals on Schedule E and not filing a 1065 for each rental? Schedule E has been used in the past. They are new clients.
Somewhere, and I thought it was here, I saw a good discussion about duties for a front desk person. If it was here, I can't find it. If anybody has any thoughts to share, I would appreciate it.
I live in Canon City, CO which is about 45 miles southwest of Colorado Springs. This area is considered south central. Let me know if I can help.
I have a client who paid her fourth quarter individual estimated tax payment using payUSAtax. The payment was applied to 2021. Is there any way to change it to 2020?
Does anyone know the procedure for returning this check and having a new check issued for each person? She tried to deposit it to her bank account, but, of course, the bank refused it.
Will ATX e-file a 2019 New Mexico corporate tax return? If so, can someone help me with the steps to make it happen. It appears to me that it cannot be done.