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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Has anyone doing business with Databazaar.com been having trouble getting their orders lately? Seems quite a drastic change in their customer service from past years. Thanks! Eli
  2. Thanks, Jack! Appreciate the help. Eli
  3. Client brought in a receipt for an air condition unit he purchased in 2011. He was told he could get a $500 credit on his tax return. I don't see anywhere on F-5695 where it can be taken. They have a 'certificate of product ratings' that states: "This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 & Dec 31, 2011. My 1st thought was that maybe it was the rebates the states were giving for the Energy Start appliances. Just want to make sure. Thanks! Eli
  4. Yes & not sure! I have had several like that. I think most of them have updated after a few days. I'm just telling clients to expect delays of up to 2 weeks beyond the refund schedule date. Eli
  5. Eli

    EIN's search

    jklcpa, Just tried it & it only gives the last 4 numbers :-( Thanks for the info anyways :-) Eli
  6. Eli

    EIN's search

    Thank you :-) Eli
  7. Eli

    EIN's search

    Thank you, Pacun! I was afraid of that :-) Eli
  8. Eli

    EIN's search

    Anyone know of a website to search out company EIN's? Thanks! Eli
  9. Eli

    KC Jenkins...

    For those of you askig about KC, she is doing ok. She said she retired from taxes in order to care for her husband. She says he is gradually going downhill. Please keep her, her husband & the rest of their family in prayer. Eli
  10. I do custom printing too, but every now & then it just spits em out of whack. I also get 2 extra copies every now & then. Thanks for the suggestions though :-) Hope everyone has an AWESOME Friday!! Eli
  11. Anyone else having issues with the forms printing out of order & sometimes printing a return 3 or 4 times? This has happened at least 3-4 times now. Not sure if it's a software issue or maybe a printer fault. Thanks! Eli
  12. Eli


    Hey Terry! Sorry I hadn't been back on & just saw your post. Hope you had a great Christmas & New Years! Talk soon! Eli
  13. Eli


    Good to hear from you, Tom! A very Merry Christmas to you & your family as well. What's new out in California?
  14. Eli


    Hey Marilyn!! Merry Christmas to you too :-) Hope all is well up your way.
  15. Eli


    Good to see everyone starting to come back on board :-)
  16. Congratulations to you & your wife. Children are a blessing from God. I pray that God would watch over you & your family every day. Eli
  17. Thank you, both :-) I will try calling the IRS tomorrow to see if there's anything I can resolve via the phone. Eli
  18. Client purchased his 1st home in 2010. He had a signed contract before the April 30 deadline. He closed on the home before the due date as well. After he closed on the home, I amended his return to request the FTHC. About 2 months later he received a letter denying the credit because the IRS had received a 1098 under the client's name & SSN from a mortgage company. Checking with him I found that he owns an unimproved lot in Virginia. We got tax statements from the county tax accessor showing it was an unimproved lot with no structure on it. We sent that form in with an explanation on how it's just an open lot with no home. About 6 weeks later I call the IRS to check the status & they tell me they don't have a 1040X requesting the FTHC. So I ask how is it he received a letter saying he didn't qualify for it if they never received it?? Anyways we sent in the paperwork again this time including the tax office paperwork along with the rest of the forms. He just received another letter denying him the FTHC. Any ideas what we could try next? Thanks! Eli
  19. Eli

    Form RRB 1099-R

    Thanks, Joan. I appreciate the help :-) Eli
  20. Eli

    Form RRB 1099-R

    Thank you, Taxit!! Eli
  21. Eli

    Form RRB 1099-R

    TaxBilly, one more question if you don't mind. The top portion of the RRB is in blue & has amounts on Box 3 & Box 5 that are the same (16215.96) Do these have to be reported anywhere? Box 3: Gross SS Equivalent Benefit Portion of Tier 1 Paid in 2010 Box 5: Net SS Equivalent Benefit Portion of Tier 1 Paid in 2010 Thanks! Eli
  22. Eli

    Form RRB 1099-R

    Thanks, TaxBilly :-) Eli
  23. Does the input of this form go under F1040 Line 20? Can't remember doing one of these before. Thanks! Eli
  24. Eli

    Amend HoH to MFJ

    Thank you both for the info. It's very much appreciated!! Eli
  25. The husband has not filed returns for the past two years. The wife has filed HoH both years claiming their two sons. Now they are filing for bankruptcy & they are required to file joint returns. I've amended returns before where both parties originally filed HoH & changed to MFJ. Now I'm just a bit confused since the husband has not filed at all. Would the same steps be followed as if they had both already filed returns? Thanks! Eli
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