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User manual


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I get a sense that some folks are getting a litte testy responding to questions that are answered in the User Manual. Another time and another place, this would not be an issue. But with tensions running at such extreme levels, it is understandable - the response. So I am here to make a confession. I have not read the user manual. I did do ATX's "find the embedded code to win an IPAD" (I guess I didn't win) that encouraged us to study the training info. I think that helped me alot. I think the reason some folks have not read the manual is that they have been using the software "for years so why do I need to read the manual". The fact of the matter - none of us have used this software before this year. This is NOT the software of years gone by. Reckon back to the first year you used ATX, did you read the manual? This is the first year you are using the new ATX so it would be prudent to read the manual. And I have just talked myself into taking a break and reading the manual. My software has been working relatively well, although yesterday it took an an incredibly long time to do the simplest of returns - about the same amount of time it took to do a multi-state corporate return last night. Go figure. Printing is a big issue for me and maybe I can learn something in the user manual.

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You have a very valid point. And I admit as well that I had not read the User Manual before last evening and I was able to find my answer just as Jack advised me to. So it is not bad advice from Jack or anybody else to read the User Manual.

However, for me, this forum is also a resource for possibly quick answers/solutions to problems or situations that arise. The answer might or might not be in the User Manual, and if a fellow ATX-er had the same issue and was able to resolve it, is it no longer proper to pose a question here hoping for a quick simple answer? On my part, if I see a question from someone that is experiencing a similar problem that I have dealt with, I want to help that person with his/her issue if I can. If I can do that by explaining what I did to resolve my problem then it's a win/win for everyone. If it is easier to tell them where it is found in the User Manual than that would be acceptable to me as well. At least I have saved them the time of searching through the Manual trying to find it. Or, if I know the answer is in the User Manual, I could just respond with "read the User Manual".

My point is, let us not get into a groove here, where no one is allowed to ask questions without first reading through the 470 page User Manual, for fear of being retorted with an answer of "read the user manual". Again, I am not defending or criticizing anyone, and reading the User Manual is important. But I think we are all stressed out a little bit (or a lot) so far this season so I welcome questions/vents on this forum. By working together and trying to help each other out, we will get though this. In fact, I know we will get through it. Maybe with a few more gray hairs, but a few more gray hair never killed anyone. (as far as I know).

That's my 5 cents worth for this morning!

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Ray - my post was not intended to imply that questions and/or vents should not be posted - but rather that reading the manual is something we should all do to get the most out of this product. I have already found something that will make my life easier over the next ten and a-half weeks in the short while I have been reading it.

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Ray - my post was not intended to imply that questions and/or vents should not be posted - but rather that reading the manual is something we should all do to get the most out of this product. I have already found something that will make my life easier over the next ten and a-half weeks in the short while I have been reading it.

Maybe my post would have been better suited to start as a new thread. I did not mean to sound like you were implying that questions should not be posted. It could sound as if that was my intention and for that I apologize.

I just want to say that with some of the replies in the forum, I was really hesitant about posting any questions etc unless I have fully researched the User Manual.

Again, I totally agree that reading the user manual is valuable and a everyone should do it. However, posting a question on this forum, hoping someone might have an answer for me, without feeling like I am taking a risk of being retorted by an answer of "read the user manual" should still be allowed.

The point of my post was to let others know that from the way I look at this forum, ....... It is still ok to ask simple or complex questions here and maybe someone has an answer.

(maybe others don't look at it that way, and that's ok with me).

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Bart - it is the "ATX 2012 User Guide" and you can access it in the manner Jack suggested or through the 2012 program as Ray suggested. Here is an interesting phenomenon, if i open the file via one method, the guide is 460 pages; through the other method the guide grows to 470 pages. Hhhmmm!!!

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Hey, here's an opportunity for ATC/CCH to marry up a couple of technologies at this critical time. Instead of "Music-on-Hold" they should change to "Manual-on-Hold". They should have a recording of someone reading the User Guide in place of the elevator music.

At an average of 30 seconds per page, and assuming the average wait is an hour and 15 minutes, the entire 460-470 page User Guide can be read in 4 easy customer-service calls with a little time to spare.

And instead of pressing "1" to indicate you want to stay on hold, you could press "1, 2, 3, or 4" to choose which section of the User Guide you'd like to have them read to you while you wait.

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Made me grin too!

I always looked at the parts with 'new features', but this year so much is new. You can click to a specific section of the user guide from the table of contents, which makes it even easier to use.

I'm seeing questions that were answered in the little booklets that came with the CD! Especially on the other board. What else do you do but read the booklets when installing for the first time?

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