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The Governator Wants me to get EIC


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[i will not defend any of the players here (State, EIC, or payroll service), but it sounds like you are "shooting the messenger". Sounds like the payroll service is doing what the State told them to do.


I am sorry, bad joke. The firing statement was because of using the green paper, which is the color of HRB. I don't want the employees of our company to go to HRB.


Lodi, CA

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Tom, Why? They can get PEOPLE.


Yeah, Tom...If they got people, they must be able to get your employees all sorts of refunds....Especially since they can get them all sorts of employee expense deductions!

....Maybe if they would tell the whole story in their commercials, I would not feel about them the way I feel about the smell coming from Lenny the Pirate.

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Yeah, Tom...If they got people, they must be able to get your employees all sorts of refunds....Especially since they can get them all sorts of employee expense deductions!

....Maybe if they would tell the whole story in their commercials, I would not feel about them the way I feel about the smell coming from Lenny the Pirate.

JB, tell Lenny that there is a new invention out there....................it's called SOAP.


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...If they got people, they must be able to get your employees all sorts of refunds....Especially since they can get them all sorts of employee expense deductions!

A funny story about an HRB in Florida last year. A Partnership/LLC -- one partner in Nebraska, one in Florida. Partners both had UPE. HRB Preparer from Florida had to call me to find out HOW to take the deduction on Sch E. Here's the FUNNY part. She says "Oh, I understand, but our software won't allow us to do that. I will have to find out how."

Maybe I should have asked her "Don't you have PEOPLE?"


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