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Customer Treats

Ray in Ohio

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I just restocked my drawer. let's see, there's those yummy 'Gummi Grapefruit Slices' and 'Gummi Peach Rings'. Also Root Beer flavored twizzlers. And this year I have a special, Chocolate Covered Peanuts. They must be outdated, cause they were seriously discounted at Uncle Joe's Nuts. Anyway they work great for me. The peanuts taste old, so here's what I do. I suck the chocolate off them, then I put the bare peanuts in a lil' candy dish on my desk and let my clients snack on them while I do their taxes. Makes it really interesting, trying to concentrate on taxes and also trying to watch how many sucked off peanuts they are eating.

My question is: After I'm done with their taxes and they are done snacking, should I tell them what they just ate, or should I just shut up and laugh quietly to myself?

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I just restocked my drawer. let's see, there's those yummy 'Gummi Grapefruit Slices' and 'Gummi Peach Rings'. Also Root Beer flavored twizzlers. And this year I have a special, Chocolate Covered Peanuts. They must be outdated, cause they were seriously discounted at Uncle Joe's Nuts. Anyway they work great for me. The peanuts taste old, so here's what I do. I suck the chocolate off them, then I put the bare peanuts in a lil' candy dish on my desk and let my clients snack on them while I do their taxes. Makes it really interesting, trying to concentrate on taxes and also trying to watch how many sucked off peanuts they are eating.

My question is: After I'm done with their taxes and they are done snacking, should I tell them what they just ate, or should I just shut up and laugh quietly to myself?

You have just given new meaning to the phrase "YOU SUCK." :)

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I just restocked my drawer. let's see, there's those yummy 'Gummi Grapefruit Slices' and 'Gummi Peach Rings'. Also Root Beer flavored twizzlers. And this year I have a special, Chocolate Covered Peanuts. They must be outdated, cause they were seriously discounted at Uncle Joe's Nuts. Anyway they work great for me. The peanuts taste old, so here's what I do. I suck the chocolate off them, then I put the bare peanuts in a lil' candy dish on my desk and let my clients snack on them while I do their taxes. Makes it really interesting, trying to concentrate on taxes and also trying to watch how many sucked off peanuts they are eating.

My question is: After I'm done with their taxes and they are done snacking, should I tell them what they just ate, or should I just shut up and laugh quietly to myself?

I want to know if you write them off as a business expense or is there too much personal pleasure involved in watching them eat your peanuts.

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I am thinking about offering additional treats on Saturdays. I need some help here. I had some great ideas, but I'm stuck. I wanted to do M&Ms. But it takes way to long to peel them. Then I decided to do frikken bananas, but once I peeled those, there was nothing left but the core. So I think I will just set out some Kool-Aid. But someone HAS to tell me how am I supposed to get a quart of water in one of those little packets???? :unsure:

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>>how am I supposed to get a quart of water in one of those little packets?<<

I never pre-mix KoolAid because it goes stale so fast. Besides, you can't offer a choice of flavors that way. Just put a pitcher of water on your desk, and let your clients fill the packets themselves while you sort through their shoe box. If they have children, they should come around the desk and use the keyboard shelf because it's lower.

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